Just spent an afternoon giving my [[Eriette of the Charmed Apple]] deck a solid few games and she pretty quickly made it up to the top spot for me.

What are folks’ favorites you’ve played recently?

  • @RampageDon@lemmy.ml
    59 months ago

    I’ve dipped my toes into cedh and have been playing mono black [[k’rrik, son of yawgmoth]]. Playing more of a midrange creature combo than storm. Very glass cannon build, and def has some extremely bad match ups but that’s just how it goes. It often goes off between turn 3-5 if left unchecked. Had a magical Christmas land hand and won turn 1 going second in a 4 man pod. Just reshuffled and moved last in the turn order instead of everyone restarting lol.

    • Aviandelight
      19 months ago

      I really like your reshuffle and keep going idea. That would be perfect for those time my friends are testing out new decks.

      • @RampageDon@lemmy.ml
        9 months ago

        Yea, we are all there to play magic, not shuffle simulator. No reason to slow the game down before it even really started. We all had a good laugh about it, but I def put a target on my head after that.

  • Remi
    9 months ago

    Current jams:

    [[Sidisi, Brood Tyrant]] - Old zombie tribal build circa 2018, with a few small updates. Has retained much of its power despite me no longer owning a Cradle and being more of a throwback deck.

    [[Haldan, Avid Arcanist]] + [[Pako, Arcane Retriever]] - The pair that got the wheels turning again after the pandemic hiatus. Focuses mostly on synergies from playing stuff from exile and having multiple commanders.

    [[Kwain, Itinerant Meddler]] - UW Taxes. We’re all gonna draw a ton of cards, but we’re gonna be reasonable about what you can do with them.

    [[Ramos, Dragon Engine]] - Legendary Artificer Tribal. Named characters, a bunch of artifacts and sometimes the gears start turning and weird stuff happens.

    [[Tayam, Luminous Enigma]] - Abzan +1/+1 counters and value. Ignoring ability counters because there’s already too much to keep track of. Other than Rosie/Oak, all the combos are 5+ piece engines.

  • MikeA
    49 months ago

    This is a great post, I’m finding some new commanders to try out.

    My personal favorite is [[Marisi, Breaker of the Coil]]. It’s built around the incredibly fun “Goad” mechanic, which is rarely seen but very good in multiplayer. When you goad an opponent’s creature, it has to attack someone else (if possible) during it’s next combat phase. The deck is built around Goad and a lot of creatures that have evasive abilities.

    Marisi goads ALL of the opponent’s creatures whenever a creature you control deals combat damage to them. You can send a creature in at all of your opponents, and then watch the following turns as they all have to attack each other!

    Here’s the full decklist: https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/marisi-and-the-naya-redheads/

  • @shapesandstuff@feddit.de
    39 months ago

    I have a [[Galea, Kindler of Hope]] and a [[Syr Gwyn, Hero of Ashvale]]. The galea deck is a bit more refined and powerful so thats the one rn.

    Still trying to find a good way to make gwyn more wide, knight focused and not just a weaker equipment deck.

  • @Kra
    39 months ago

    Grand Arbiter Augustin IV ;-)

  • @Damdy
    9 months ago

    [[Aminatou, the Fateshifter]] is really fun. Her +1 can help filter with a shuffle effect after, set up miracle cards, or just give you a peek for low investment. Her -1 can target any permanent, which is nuts. Use a - ability on a Planeswalkers then flicker and use a + ability, ramp with [[Solemn Simulacrum]] or any other good ETB creature effects, [[Act of Authority]] and [[Disinformation Campaign]] for value. And her ultimate can be really fun too, especially after a boardwide flicker to keep your own creatures.

    She gets even more nuts with[[Resourceful Defense]] and [[Oath of Teferi]].

    My favorite backbone to a good stuff Esper control toolbox deck.

  • Jojo
    19 months ago

    I’ve been brewing a [[Tom Bombadil]] saga deck, and fiddling with [[Commodore Guff]] and [[Estrid the Masked]] to make super friends. Estrid has been in charge of my super friends deck for a while now, but Guff can bring Rowan, and that is a pretty big one. I also built a tree cook “entwood” deck recently for my wife with [[Colfenor, the last Yew]] at the helm.