See to me America is a slang word. It’s used to mock and degrade. Fucking 'murica. It does not get the power you all seem to have given it. That’s been lost long ago and only propped for the last several decades by the constant barrage of American exceptionalism from your ever present media telling us all what to think. America is like a curse word here. It’s used with vitriol now though it used to be used with mocking humor.
Now please go fight your elected fascist dictator before we all have to.
See to me America is a slang word. It’s used to mock and degrade. Fucking 'murica. It does not get the power you all seem to have given it. That’s been lost long ago and only propped for the last several decades by the constant barrage of American exceptionalism from your ever present media telling us all what to think. America is like a curse word here. It’s used with vitriol now though it used to be used with mocking humor.
Now please go fight your elected fascist dictator before we all have to.
I’m calling my representatives, senators, and organizing as much as I can. Believe me some of us are terrified of him, and those that support him.