USA har förmågan att ställa spetsflyget F-35 på marken för alla eller utvalda europeiska och andra köpare inom ett dygn och sitter därmed på en kill switch för nytt stridsflyg. Europas demokratier behåller lämpligen sina tidigare Eurofighter, F-18 mfl spetsflyg istället för att skrota ut dessa och b
You seem to think that the people making these decisions currently stop to think about consequences. I could totally see Drumpf saying how we got em too cheap and that he would disable them until we pay our due or something
Even Trump had to reconsider his outrageous tariffs. I guess his assistants managed to explain disastrous it would be to start a trade war with everyone.
You seem to think that the people making these decisions currently stop to think about consequences. I could totally see Drumpf saying how we got em too cheap and that he would disable them until we pay our due or something
Even Trump had to reconsider his outrageous tariffs. I guess his assistants managed to explain disastrous it would be to start a trade war with everyone.