USA har förmågan att ställa spetsflyget F-35 på marken för alla eller utvalda europeiska och andra köpare inom ett dygn och sitter därmed på en kill switch för nytt stridsflyg. Europas demokratier behåller lämpligen sina tidigare Eurofighter, F-18 mfl spetsflyg istället för att skrota ut dessa och b
This is about the third article from Cornucopia I have read. And I guess that blog is the first to report certain information. However, these posts also seem rambling, connecting multiple related topics into an incoherent whole. Is this better in Swedish and it’s somehow just because I am only reading a machine translation? Or is Swedish media always like that? Or…?
They tend to be quite rambling for sure. It’s like he’s writing from the top of his head in spoken language. They’re usually not well edited and may contain typos etc. He’s quite a character. Interesting, sometimes embarrassing and quite often annoying. But his heart is in the right place.
His blog is the only one in Swedish with daily and detailed updates on Ukraine. That I know of at least.
I don’t think I had heard of it before. Read a little of it in Swedish now and I think you’re right, it’s a rough read, rambling almost manic.
Does not read like regular media, no
This is about the third article from Cornucopia I have read. And I guess that blog is the first to report certain information. However, these posts also seem rambling, connecting multiple related topics into an incoherent whole. Is this better in Swedish and it’s somehow just because I am only reading a machine translation? Or is Swedish media always like that? Or…?
They tend to be quite rambling for sure. It’s like he’s writing from the top of his head in spoken language. They’re usually not well edited and may contain typos etc. He’s quite a character. Interesting, sometimes embarrassing and quite often annoying. But his heart is in the right place.
His blog is the only one in Swedish with daily and detailed updates on Ukraine. That I know of at least.
I don’t think I had heard of it before. Read a little of it in Swedish now and I think you’re right, it’s a rough read, rambling almost manic. Does not read like regular media, no