If you had your bets on Avatar for the November UB @mtg set, looks like you were right on!
If you had your bets on Avatar for the November UB @mtg set, looks like you were right on!
@xgranade @mtg I find them hit or miss, if I don’t know the source material I don’t find the flavour engaging. If I do I tend to love them.
@lovestha @mtg Makes a lot of sense, yeah. I don’t know 40k at all, so those decks were kind of meh for me. A friend of mine is obsessed with 40k, though, and they loved that UB.
@xgranade @mtg I’ve acquired a bunch of 40k cards, because teh are mechanically awesome in some of my decks. (Claire d’Loon loves squad)
But they are just a bunch of mechanics.