Plotting exiles a card from the hand, this only looks at field and graveyard. Which is a shame, I think it would be more interesting to build around if it included suspend/plot/etc…
Yeah, blink, exile-instead-of-dying effects, or exile removal/graveyard hate will all trigger it. Some abilities like Eternalize/embalm that exile for cost will trigger it, but notably things like Flashback won’t since they go on the stack and then exile themselves directly from there
So draw cards for plotting.
Plotting exiles a card from the hand, this only looks at field and graveyard. Which is a shame, I think it would be more interesting to build around if it included suspend/plot/etc…
Good point. It does work with blink tho? Or am I missing something again
Yeah, blink, exile-instead-of-dying effects, or exile removal/graveyard hate will all trigger it. Some abilities like Eternalize/embalm that exile for cost will trigger it, but notably things like Flashback won’t since they go on the stack and then exile themselves directly from there