This was at high Mythic, so not a gimmick deck. They missed their second land drop, but honestly I probably would have kept the four-Leyline-Axe-one-land hand too, if only for the laughs. They found their land on turn 3 and we actually had a long, interesting game. Turned out they were playing Azorius artifact aggro. They cast a Zoetic Glyph on one Axe and started equipping other Axes to it. I ended up taking the game and then the match, but if I had lost to four free Axes I don’t think I could have been mad.

  • AndrewMA
    2 months ago

    Wow that’s crazy! I think that has to be a bad keep but yeah I don’t know how I’d mulligan that one either purely for the coolness. If my math is correct this happens only every 14,286 games.