Watch the episode live on Twitch and YouTube at 7pm PST. Restreams on Twitch at midnight and the next day at 9am PST.

Runtime Break start
5h 16m 1h 32m

Episode 118: The Hallowed Cage

Bell’s Hells, with the aid of two other disparate groups of heroes, have managed to head towards the depths of Ruidus, trying to follow the footprints and current aspirations of the Ruby Vanguard and Ludinus Da’leth. After discovering through a vision that your mother was seemingly captured by Ludinus and being transferred (her abilities and possibly her physical being being transferred and destroyed into Ludinus through a newly-constructed Quintessence Array) you raced through the subterranean tunnels, befriended a number of the myceits (and the strange fungal culture that exists within the lower layers of Ruidus itself), interfaced with the core of that mycelium network and the hive mind of the myceit culture (to which you also granted the seed of the All-Minds-Burn, to whatever end that might be).
Trekking further on, bypassing some challenges, stumbling past others, eventually you came to the outer depths of the Prime Pillar (whereupon a fissure in the thick glass led you deeper within the tree trunk-like ringed layers of stone and glass revealing themselves) as you began to wind deeper into the central pillar that seems to represent a path to the core of the moon. There you came upon a troop of Exaltants that had surrounded Ludinus, keeping him contained within a psychic shell while he was on the cusp of absorbing the remnants of your mother. You then quickly sprang into action, defeating and dispelling and disrupting the concentration of these Exaltants until one by one they fell. With the last one crumbling, the shield was absolved and destroyed. A rapid series of actions pulled your mother, Liliana, from the jaws of destruction and ash and your resident blue bard here immediately locked Ludinus within a dense Force Cage spell.
In this moment, here within the outer layers of the Prime Pillar, Ludinus seems to nod with a strange bit of approval of what has just transpired. As you see the arching, flaring veins of purplish Exaltant energy crawling up around his neck and his arms, his hair beginning to float and flow around him (the essence of Liliana’s Exaltant Ruidusborn gift being transferred, albeing temporarily to Martinet Ludinus Da’leth).
Here as you all stand at the immediate end of an intense conflict, you catch your breath and look face to face with what looks to be a very calm and smug villain. As you all stand there, Ludinus paces back and forth within the cage, like a calm lion, tiger, looking about the rest of your troop. A liger if you will.

L.D.:“Very well. I suppose you have your mother back. That’s one thing before the end, I suppose…if it is to be the end.”

Previous Episode: “Race to the Ruidian Core”

  • Ultragramps@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOPM
    2 months ago
    • 03:20:58 Travis:”Swing away.”
    • 03:21:44 Another wild dice toss loses one of Taliesin’s d6 to the void.
      Laura:”It got sucked into your penis!”
      Sam:”Laura Bailey.”
      Marisha:”This fight is making us lose our minds!”
      Travis:”You’ve got to justify that to your son at some point.”
      Marisha:”His dick has been the gravity well the whole time.”
    • 03:23:30 The deadly Gravity Well is finally removed with Ashton breaking Ludinus’ concentration
    • 03:25:47 Matt:”It’s seventeen more attacks. No Laura Bailey. Only Vax can do that.”
    • 03:27:54 A 20 still fails the DEX save for Ludinus’ Chain Lightning spell
    • 03:28:44 Ludinus:”If you’re going to be this obnoxious, then sure. Step into the chamber or sit back and watch.”
    • 03:30:24 Dorian:”Force Cage! Just kidding.” Begins an attack sequence with Master’s Flourish
      Braius(flirting with Dorian):”You got your master’s?”
    • 03:33:20 Travis:”Six six six?”
    • 03:34:55 Fan Art Moment Imogen with the clutch Power Word: Stun “Enough!”
    • 03:37:56 The Nightmare King strikes
    • 03:41:00 Matt:”Just so you know, look at the radius of Flame Strike.”
      Ashley:”Scratch that.”
      Robbie:♪Barbecuing friends.♪
    • 03:46:17 Scorching Ray comes through with another neck strike
    • 03:48:33 Orym, Savior Blade of the Tempest. Warrior of Zephrah. How do you want to do this?
    • 03:54:13 Braius:”Do we keep going?”
    • 03:57:30 The glowing vial that Ludinus was going for was a powerful healing potion.
    • 03:58:57 Fearne is down to just get a peek at Predathos
    • 04:01:30 Chetney feels a pulse while using Grim Psychometry on the membrane
    • 04:05:31Ashton:”What do you think, Ira? Let chaos reign?”
      Ira:”I’m comfortable just watching from the sidelines.”
      Imogen:”So a bunch of slap dicks are gonna decide the fate of Exandria right now?”
      Ira:”Wouldn’t have it any other way.”
    • 04:06:31 Ludinus’ staff prevents Fearne’s Identify cast
    • 04:08:23 Ludinus’ corpse dissolves and Ira is gone
    • 04:09:27 Braius:”Do it on my pecs.”
      Chetney smashes the orb into Braius’ groin, making Johnny Knoxville proud
    • 04:16:03 Travis(New York accent):”Two forkin points.”
    • 04:18:55 Successful Identify on the Staff of Soulbind Relay that has had it’s ability expended, implying Ludinus may well have survived in some form.
    • 04:20:57 Ashley’s book sneeze
    • 04:22:45 Imogen and Ashton:”After.”
    • 04:23:48 Ludinus left his personal Bag of Holding somewhere nearby
    • 04:24:49 Imogen:”How’s my mom? Did you check on her?”
      Chetney(out of breath):”I killed her.”
    • 04:24:59 Robbie’s Aerosmith voice:”It’s TIME.”
    • 04:26:58 The final boundary gives way.
    • 04:30:10 A glowing teal-white light floats in the center of the chamber
    • 04:34:11 Travis is temporarily stunned from a jump scare. “In too deep.”
    • 04:36:57 Insight check on Predathos
    • 04:37:51 Dorian notices a golden tint to the ephemeral red tethers forming between the party members within the chamber. Not unlike the golden threads of fate seen in the animated Legend of Vox Machina series
    • 04:38:47 A Ruidian Flare occurs with the party in the core
    • 04:39:42 Predathos:”Making more of you. To come find me.”
    • 04:41:54 Chetney chooses not to intercept the meeting of the entity with Fearne and Imogen
    • 04:43:14 Orym intervenes
    • 04:45:49 No promises from Predathos when asked to spare lives
    • 04:46:06 Laudna remembers the mask from the Matron of Ravens
    • 04:48:40 Laura believes the Matron of Ravens (especially since she played her in Downfall)
    • 04:52:51 Imogen accepts and Fearne resists
    • 04:54:27 Liam:”Like Poochie the Dog skateboarded in.”
    • 04:55:37 Fearne focuses on her tether with Imogen to reinforce her independence from the influence of Predathos