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Runtime Break start
4h 41m 1h 45m

Episode 115: To the Arx Creonum

After an interlude following the legendary troop known as Vox Machina (as they were one of the groups helming the assault on the Malleus Key), they managed to destroy the Key and free the arcane lock that keps Ruidus essentially clued in orbit to Exandria (and possibly tearing apart the very fabric of magic in the world) as well as freeing their ghost of a long-lost ally, Vax’ildan, and in the wake of that battle, given an evening reprieve on what could be the last evening on Exandria for some or all.
While they were gone and dealing with this assault, back on Ruidus, the two troops, Mighty Nein and Bell’s Hells, have been lying in wait after notifying that they were in place and the assault was to begin.
Going a little bit back in time to their perspective, we return to moments after they had given the order to begin the assault where they now wait for word back that the distraction has begun and they can begin their business. So here, underneath the surface of the red moon Ruidus in the subterranean half of the capital city of Kreviris (Vaterra Krevirirs, the massive, winding city of strange, twisted, rock-carved streets) the city that now seems partially abandoned by the populace that is preparing for a relocation to Exandria at the promise of the Weave Mind to see a new life ahead. Many have left already and currently walk as a massive caravan to the Bloody Bridge, (that may not await them when they arrive) while others are still gathering their final supplies. Here, civilians still cluttering the streets, heading towards the exits towards the surface to join the rest of the populace (where other stragglers might still remain to keep their homes here).
Bell’s Hells and Mighty Nein, you have been keeping low after making contact with Gaz Tomo (a member of the Volition). Those that still remain are apparently plotting an attack on the Arx Creonum (the massive citadel stronghold that is the home to the Weave Mind) affixed along the Prime Pillar of glass built out of the ancient remnants of Predathos’ original form. Here, laying low in this b-side chamber, you have some time to prepare, discuss, and plot before you are given the ‘go-ahead’ from Allura that the assault has engaged below, and you are free to pursue your individual options.

Previous Episode: “Fight for the Bloody Bridge”

  • Ultragramps@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOPM
    3 months ago

    ♪Episode Song References♪

    ᕕ( ᐛ)ᕗ


    • 00:01:07 Robbie’s Autotune Haiku
      Duck-billed platypus.
      Squishy butts…Sam’s underpants
      are full of pudding.
    • 00:05:43 Celibate
    • 00:12:30 Dicks out #1
    • 00:13:09 Fjord’s nipple lore
    • 00:14:26 Briefing on the Weave Mind
    • 00:17:00 Ashton:"I’ve got a hole in my head? What the fuck, man?
    • 00:18:56 “We’re more of an improv troupe.”
    • 00:21:58 The Hells know more than the Nein
    • 00:23:50 Caleb:“Ludinus Da’leth is perhaps the most dangerous mortal living on Exandria today…”
      Jester:“I mean, he’s this cute little guy that has some pretty powerful spells.”
    • 00:25:09 Caduceus:“So you’re feeling confident because you fought two snowmen.”
    • 00:28:58 Caleb’s C-POPper fandom shows itself
    • 00:29:20 Chetney’s mystery hand signals
    • 00:29:47 Fjord embraces the chaos with both hands (Let chaos reign)
    • 00:30:07 “Dicks? No. Nipples, out?”
    • 00:31:31 Ludinus’ weak points: Ego and back of the neck
    • 00:32:35 Dicks out #2
    • 00:33:02 Rashinna has been waiting to re-enter the conversation as Dorian shares his experience the the genitalia of elderly men.
    • 00:34:38 The Gunpowder Plot
    • 00:36:15 Travis mentions a famous Batman scene
    • 00:39:30 Marisha is reprimanded for coughing into the microphone
    • 00:42:06 Dorian:“I can make you fly.”
    • 00:44:22 Veth:“Don’t even tempt me. That big, beautiful man.”
    • 00:45:30 Jester:“Get your dicks out. Here we go.” (Dicks out #3)
    • 00:46:03 Caduceus:“Yeah, you take your dick out…” (Dicks out #4)
    • 00:47:47 Dorian’s toast:“To new friends and old. To the quiet moment before the storm. To those of us that just met and those we hope to see again very soon:
      Please don’t die, down the hatch!”
    • 00:49:19 Ashton:“This is a bad moment to find out if this is an entire civilization of people who are lactose intolerant.”
    • 00:51:21 Tattoo project
    • 00:55:19 Romantic ‘Imodna’ moment
    • 00:57:47 Orym eavesdropping
    • 00:59:21 Yasha:“Nunya.”
    • 01:00:00 Veth’s sex life
    • 01:02:43 Matt could’ve stopped this
    • 01:04:16 Yasha signals Beau with a smooch sound
    • 01:06:02 Beau agrees to explore adoption with Yasha
    • 01:07:28 The secret about ‘Destination Weddings’
    • 01:08:52 “Best Maid” be Beauth.
    • 01:12:37 Rashinna finds a moment to speak
    • 01:13:53 Caduceus:“…do what feels kind.”
    • 01:15:05 Laudna bugs Braius about the Mask of the Raven Queen
    • 01:18:42 Neiners!
    • 01:20:05 The Beau fan comes out
    • 01:21:02 Veth’s placebo effect, “You’re protected.”
    • 01:21:33 Romantic ‘Dorym’ moment
    • 01:22:13 Bad Luck Braius art #1
    • 01:23:55 Bad Luck Braius art #2
    • 01:25:27 Beau:“Keep up, Dirt Wizard!”
      Caleb:“You know I’ve been clean for years.”
    • 01:26:06 Liliana’s message


    So Mighty Nein, as you trek and wind through the suomewhat-empty streets of the Villums, being guided by Gas Tomo, and Rashinna and numerous other figures (that you could see at a glance would appear like various denizens of various cultural/ancestral backgrounds of Ruidus) with their supplies gathered up and evacuating the city. But you know what they carry with them to be a little more specific in its purpose to your coming events. You watch as some of them begin to splinter off and head into other alleys and disparate streets, avoiding the roaming elements of the Imperium soldiers, themselves armored and watching around. There’s still a thick bastion of guards that sit at the edge of each major street that are either accompanying and keeping watch on people that are leaving as well as keeping eyes peeled for the type of individuals like you that have nefarious plans from their perspective.
    You hear the echoing shriek from above of one of the Feskuls (the flying, cave-centric, leather-bat-winged creatures that are armored and flying throughout the open space that is the dark subterranean skyline of Kreviris), some appear to be natural and wild and following the energy of the city, but a number of them appear to be armored and mounted. You can see there are various sentinels riding atop as they swoop and perch on different larger buildings and shift off again.

    • 01:48:35 Caleb’s Ring of Telepathy comes in super handy
    • 01:51:47 Caleb the Exandrian voice actor
    • 01:53:18 Jester invokes Duplicity
    • 01:59:16 Fan Art Moment The Arx Creonum a terrifying citadel built into the Prime Pillar with numerous extended battlements looking more like a dark stone symbiotic life form growing on the side of the glass.
    • 02:01:11 Sam reveals his hidden Marisha shirt
    • 02:01:49 Marisha notices it and physically reacts to the embarassment
    • 02:04:37 The coast is clear and three cable-assistance devices are given out
    • 02:09:03 It’s a race. Beau’s D.M.S. versus Veth buffed with Spider Climb
    • 02:10:29 Gaz:“Down here, it’s our tower.” (Goonies quote)
    • 02:10:43 Liam gets into the Marisha Perch.
    • 02:11:10 “Can you read my mind?”
    • 02:11:43 Gaz’s safety instructions.
    • 02:13:07 Reiloran shinobi
    • 02:18:00 The expected plot
    • 02:18:29 It has begin.
    • 02:19:43 The signal
    • 02:19:57 Sam voiced Donatello, the ninja turtle with the purple mask
    • 02:21:22 Begin to Beau
    • 02:23:17 Fan Art Moment Veth speeding past the zipline troops
    • 02:28:58 “Puddy.”
    • 02:32:10 Boom
    • 02:34:43 Gaz:“Let’s friggin’ goo!”
    • 02:35:47 Barely bearing
    • 02:41:28 Fan Art Moment Dope Monk Shit Rail Grind
    • 02:42:46 Beau wins the race
    • 02:43:14 Veth:“It was a storm.”
      Beau:“We are underground on the fucking moon!”
    • 02:46:44 Fjord:“Single again!”
    • 02:48:19 Fjord flying rescue
    • 02:54:42 Caleb’s flying rescue
    • 02:57:00 Caduceus falls
    • 02:58:13 Fan Art Moment Caduceus beetle
    • 02:59:12 Beau lets Veth win the bet
    • 03:00:12 Calebs dive bomb
    • 03:03:15 Target rich environment
    • 03:05:14 Sam:“Why would you throw away the bees?”
      Travis:“They’re so vital to the environment.”
    • 03:05:45 Hello bees!
    • 03:07:13 Cuh. Douche. Yas.
    • 03:10:24 Juggernaut, bitch.
    • 03:13:29 The return of Shit Scrying
    • 03:16:01 Liam’s punishment
    • 03:19:47 Deflect Missiles
    • 03:21:21 Jester is riding Fjord
    • 03:22:43 Epic Reiloran leap
    • 03:24:11 Buy yourself somethin’ nice.
    • 03:26:14 Sam:“Beau, no!” (instead of the exclamation ‘oh no!’)
    • 03:27:12 The Flying Feskuls
    • 03:33:43 Gaz’s entrance
    • 03:34:07 Gaz:“Aw, schnike…”
    • 03:37:44 Yahoo-hoo-hwee
    • 03:45:24 So sorry, Matt.
    • 03:47:37 Yasha’s Divine Fury
    • 03:54:03 Guiding Bolt up the butt
    • 03:55:22 How did Lois survive flying with Superman again?
    • 04:00:49 Sam’s deception check
    • 04:02:23 “See you at the party, Richter!” (Total Recall reference)
    • 04:05:36 Gaz Tomo being a badass
    • 04:10:25 Liam:“Took him out with that big ol’ ass.”
      Marisha:“You want some CAKE?”
    • 04:11:30 Shia LeBeouf boof
    • 04:13:19 Caleb’s nut shot
    • 04:14:19 Beau’s Ball Bearings
    • 04:17:28 Fjord:“Who’s throwing fucking ball bearings?!”
    • 04:17:43 Beau:“Shut your mouth, you bitch.”
    • 04:21:19 Laura:"Sexy Gazzy. Hear me out, he’s just a ‘Yes’.
    • 04:22:06 Gaz:“I like you, Honey Miss.”
      Jester:“Fjord, you have to call me ‘Honey Miss’ from now on!”