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Runtime Break start
5h 6m 2h 47m

Episode 114: Fight for the Bloody Bridge

Last we left off, the Mighty Nein and Bell’s Hells had trekked to Ruidus and had set up themselves at the point of plan divergence towards the core and the Weave Mind. Meanwhile, we came back to Vox Machina that were helming the assault on the Malleus Key itself, and as such, drawing attention away from their more subtle plan within the depths of the red, ruddy moon.
They gathered their forces, found old friends who are now centaurs, then prepared themselves in Vasselheim, gathered allies, bolstered themselves, and joining a number of oterh skyships that descended after the initial beginnings of the assault, landed within the middle of the Tishtan Excavation site (the massive ancient stronghold now risen through the psychic powers of the Weave Mind) broken and standing frightening.
They battled their way through the core of where they had landed, heading towards where the Malleus Key currently stood. We left off just as they began to find the core of their goal.
This was the site that you had gained eyes on as you began to approach on that far end. So you haven’t engaged yet, but you are on the cusp of it.

Previous Episode: “The Assault on the Malleus Key”

  • Ultragramps@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOPM
    4 months ago

    ♪Episode Song References♪

    ᕕ( ᐛ)ᕗ


    • 00:15:36 Down below
      Holy Aura level 8 concentration. Radiat light for 5 feet around you. Advantage on all saving throws, enemies have disadvantage on attacks.
    • 00:26:26 Grog:“Hey guys, we’re saving the world again.”
    • 00:29:34 Freedom of Movement on Scanlan and Keyleth
    • 00:31:05 Vex:“I’ve got Love of the Dawnfather on me.”
    • 00:32:43 Travis learns that Vex can shoot the distance of two football fields with her Fenthras bow.
    • 00:34:09 Windup Toy: Professor Anders
    • 00:40:10 Marisha:“Who’s mind-fucking me?”
      Travis:“Isn’t that always the question?”
    • 00:41:35 Travis is unsure about the spelling of Lieve’tel, “There are a bunch of E’s and V’s in there, somewhere.”
      Ashley:“Lieve Schreiber?”
    • 00:43:18 No Mercy Percy.
    • 00:48:18 Travis:“If only you had more time to prepare…”
      Laura:“Shut up!”
    • 00:51:43 Taliesin:“There’s no wrong way to eat a Reese’s.”
    • 00:53:08 Vidulch from above shatters a rock on the map into rubble which Matt replaces with gravel and some flare.
      Travis:“He just Salt Bae’d that shit!”
    • 00:54:45 Ozo Cruth:"Children it’s feast time. Scrag, show them a welcoming.
    • 01:00:52 Liam:“Save us, Cerkonos.”
      Robbie:“I’m not even on the map, baby. Me and Pike are having a latte.”
      Ashley:(sips drink)“This shit’s crazy, right?”
    • 01:07:09 Three-point landing.
    • 01:08:46 Laura:“What do your horse eyes see, Scanlan?” LotR reference
      Travis:“What do your whore’s eyes see, Scanlan?”
    • 01:09:42 Scanlan's Hand!
    • 01:13:50 Ozo’s glass sword’s name is Carnage and another mace weapon is named Bone Graver.
    • 01:17:25 Head & Shoulders
    • 01:19:07 Ozo:“Vorak, take your pick.”
    • 01:19:54 “Dildo nightmares.” - Sam
    • 01:23:47 Cerkonos casts Conjure Animals at level 5
    • 01:27:52 “What I Would Like to Do” by Ashley Johnson
    • 01:37:00 Vorak swallows Grog
    • 01:39:05 “Should’ve put handrails.”
    • 01:40:22 “Bozo Cruth?”
    • 01:42:31 “Lieve’tel usually survives…” [Note: this is factually incorrect]
    • 01:44:15 Lieve’tel’s concentration drops her 8th level Holy Aura spell
    • 01:48:27 Percy pulls out his Greythorn Stick
    • 01:51:02 Professor Anders the windup toy successfully poisons everything in range.
    • 01:57:57 Vex comes in like a wrecking ball dealing 72 damage and bringing Trinket into the battle
    • 01:59:00 Marisha channels Pâté into her elemental briefly while busting out Earthquake under the Malleus Key
    • 02:05:05 “What did you do in the war?” (about the blinded Reiloran that keeps falling down stairs)
    • 02:07:49 Sam:“There’s a bear on his back. He’s bear-backing!”
    • 02:10:12 What about Grog?
    • 02:13:42 Travis mimes Grog taunting the tower to fire at the worm eating him.
    • 02:14:14 Poor Laura plagued again by “fart noises”
    • 02:15:26 Vex is driven to the ground
    • 02:17:37 Lieve’tel:“I left Raven’s Crest for this purpose. Lady, I am here to serve your will. Your champion’s prison lies before me. Unlock his fetters and pull that beacon to me.” Divine Intervention Let’s. Fuggin. Go.
    • 02:19:37 Fan Art Moment The swarm of ravens encircling the tower and imploding against the armor around the relic (Vaxilorb)
    • 02:21:13 “Back and to the left.”
    • 02:22:39 Grog starts his turn taking acid damage.
      Taliesin:“We’ll buy you some Pink Floyd.”
    • 02:25:31 Grog deals over 100 damage with three attacks and is freed.
    • 02:29:55 Fan Art Moment For a second, you see seven different versions of Scanlan and six different timelines, one in which he’s a ghost, one in which he’s a king. In that moment your eyes come back to reality and the hand pulls the beacon free from the center of the tower, at which point, the Bloody Bridge shuts down and you see these glimmering beams of red light are sent adrift in the space between Ruidus and Exandria… The rainbow gossamer threads of magic around the world that were on the cusp of tearing themselves apart begin to return to their natural order.
      As we’re jumping in, it is the middle of Scanlan’s turn, after managing to tear the remaining beacon from the center of the Malleus Key, and as such, shutting down the Bloody Bridge and releasing Ruidus from its arcane-locked placement in the sky.
    • 02:50:11 Scanlan succeeds in casting Dominate Monster on Scrag
      Liam:“Just don’t let it hit Trinket.”
      Sam:“Yes, I will tell him to to kill ANYthing on its back.” (teasing Laura knowing Trinket is holding Ozo Cruth)
    • 02:50:46 Scanlan backs up his horse butt against Lieve’tel to protect her from attacks.
    • 02:51:05 Matt does the “You don’t know” callback before declaring “Ozo’s go.”
    • 02:52:03 Frenzied Wrath allows Ozo Cruth to make an additional attack for every successful hit. Much like Dorian’s father’s sword’s ability.
    • 02:54:58 Vex’s defensive ability knocks Ozo prone and Matt decides he will continue attacking from the ground without advantage.
    • 02:59:13 Vex’alia falls
    • 03:02:41 Grog’s Sentinel ability prevents the great spined worm Vorak from fleeing
    • 03:02:58 Something happening offscreen to ask Marisha about.
    • 03:06:06 Pike:“Everlight, please. Not today. Please bring her back.”
    • 03:07:37 Vex is back up to 1 hp playing possum.
    • 03:09:10 Metapigeon appearance
    • 03:15:47 Grog tanks several light hits easily
    • 03:16:33 Round 3
    • 03:17:35 Taliesin:“I’m within 90 feet of dat ass now.”
      Percy emits residual smoke from his corrupted past (due to the impassioned anger at seeing his love killed) and Hexes Ozo Cruth.
      Sam:Is this Smoke Monster?"
      Taliesin:“It’s just happens when I’m really pissed.”
      Laura:“Or really turned on.”
    • 03:18:57 Percy tosses a ball-shaped item called “Manners” into the fray, but unfortunately doesn’t connect and resembles a failed attempt at catching a pokemon.
      Marisha:“You were tryin’ to catch that Charizard.”
    • 03:19:48 Matt noticed Sam’s shirt
    • 03:26:38 Travis:“You’re going into the suck?”
      Laura:“I don’t know where else to go. Where is the not suck?”
    • 03:32:09 The Earthquake spell brings down the tower
    • 03:34:03 Liam:“Balls deep.”
      Laura gets the giggles.
    • 03:35:45 Vax is back and joins the initiative order.
    • 03:38:14 Sam pleads with Matt that he was being an asshole and didn’t mean to attack Trinket.
    • 03:38:50 Fan Art Moment Ozo Cruth noticing his prized companion Scrag, ridden by an armored bear, bearing down on him to attack.
      Laura:“I love that Trinket is riding his back, though. Trinkets having the fucking time of his life.”
      Travis mimes Trinket doing the one-handed rodeo rider pose.
    • 03:40:03 Ozo’s lookin hurt
    • 03:41:49 Contact with the beacon momentarily distracts Lieve’tel, but she still gets off a Mass Heal cast at level 9 (max level 700 HP to distribute).
    • 03:49:21 Grog’s turn, he heads straight for Ozo Cruth, singing his own theme music, and going into a Frenzied Rage
    • 03:51:37 Fan Art Moment Grog’s HDYWTDT against Ozo Grog’s Home Run Music is almost heard in the background.
    • 03:52:13 Ozo’s pets (Vorak the worm and Scrag the Vidulch) gain the Feral and Frenzied conditions
    • 04:00:44 Cerkonos’ W.W.S.D. (What Would Scanlan Do) Bracelet
      Cerkonos:“Hey! You look like diseased genitalia! Does it burn when you urinate!?”
    • 04:03:19 Pike, seeing Cerkonos’ flame from the inside of the worm, successfully grants Wargod's Blessing to his attack.
    • 04:06:19 Fan Art Moment Pike’s 7th level Inflict Wounds does the trick (foot ha!) and the worm spits her back out.
    • 04:07:01 Matt and Sam:“Turnpike.”
    • 04:08:33 Laura’s voice pitch progressively increases
    • 04:09:51 Scanlan drops a log
    • 04:11:03 Liam:“It’s called…”
      Sam:“Butt stuff.”


    • Ultragramps@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOPM
      4 months ago
      • 04:16:33 “Dump.”
      • 04:20:12 Vex’alia:“It’s good to have you back.”
      • 04:20:47 Laura:“I’m gonna do something crazy. I’m gonna shoot two arrows…”
        Sam:“At Trinket.”
      • 04:23:50 Vex gets a HDYWTDT
      • 04:25:47 Lieve’tel:“I don’t think he’s here. I haven’t seen him in twenty minutes.”
      • 04:26:47 Taliesin demands a Harry and the Hendersons scene and Sam delivers
      • 04:27:43 Liam:“Take the bear, leave the kaiju.” (ref: Godfather line “Leave the gun, take the cannoli”)
      • 04:33:29 Keyleth’s painful reminder of Vax’s eternal debt
      • 04:35:57 One such hooded, massive, angelic figure, gold skin, and a feathered wingspan that stretches 40 feet flies in.
        ?:“Champion, the deed here is done. The next fight we bring to them. To Issylra, to finish what they might not be able to. Come.”
      • 04:38:23 Percy:“The children would love to meet you. And finally find out how much I’m embellishing the memory of you.”
      • 04:39:39 Vex:“No, fuck the battle. You’re here with us.”
      • 04:42:20 Vax:“Tell me about these nieces and nephews.”
        Percy:“We can do better…”
      • 04:45:27 Scanlan stomps his hoof twice to denote the number of children he shares with Pike