Watch the episode live on Twitch and YouTube at 7pm PST. Restreams on Twitch at midnight and the next day at 9am PST
Runtime Break start 5h 06m 2h 44m
Episode 113: Assault on the Malleus Key
Bell’s Hells and the Mighty Nein had traversed through the hidden portal to Ruidus, had gone to the depths of the Ruidian capital city of Kreviris and made contact with the remnants of the Volition, set themselves up, prepared for the assault on the Malleus Key to commence and be the distraction they need to divide and hit their targets within the red moon.
As they gave message, we cut to a short time before this where the members of Vox Machina present in Vasselheim begin to collect the rest of their allies so they can be part of the spearhead of this attack on the Malleus Key and the fortress that has risen from the surrounding dust of the Tishtan Site in the Hellcatch.
As you went to Whitestone and gathered Percival de Rolo, Cerkonos the Flamespeaker from Pyrah had joined you from Vasselheim, and the one member you had a hard time locating for quite some time seemed to be on a trek in Wildemount.
Upon catching up with Scanlan Shorthalt himself and his troupe of traveling midlife crises (transformed into purple centaurs) were making their “leather jacket road trip” across that distant continent before you let him know that you needed his help once more. Upon him decidin to join, you all had a group hug as he mentioned that he had to tell the other guys and let them know what’s going on.
So here in the darkened, star-filled night in the Barbed Fields of the exterior range of Bazzoxan in the plains of Xhorhas, the Wastes, you disengage from your group hug and Scanlan (lower horse body and tail) the rest of your friends await you to join their band not far from where you currently converse.
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