• @Kra
    811 months ago

    Oh wow this looks… Terrible.

    • @wut_
      611 months ago

      I’ll wait for more details, but yeah this doesn’t look too good.

      • @Kra
        711 months ago

        It is an absolutely Freakshow. I mean I love western, but I am not excited about a “western plane”. They are trying too hard. Just make a big immersive plane where there are also regions similar to the wild west. I hate “let’s do thing X as a plane” design. No immersion there.

        Then two sets are about a mansion, like wtf, and then, two useless UB sets.

        Only the animal world and MH3 could be neat. And I hoped there would be no more MH sets anymore.

    • Ech
      311 months ago

      What are you even judging them on? We know pretty much nothing about any of it yet.

      • @Kra
        111 months ago

        Just look at the names and pictures. Almost everything will suck. They jump around between very narrow stereotypical themes like crazy. If they had announced just 3 bloomburrow sets, I think people would have been much more happy.

        I can imagine a meeting at wotc hq. Discussion about s new upcoming set. Someone: “hey how about we make a set in a western setting?” And he got promoted and everyone stood up and cheered and was crying about his genius mind

        • Ech
          311 months ago

          So I’m assuming you had the same problem with jumping from Indian steampunk plane, to Egyptian mythology plane, to Aztec/Vampire/Dinosaur plane? Or Adventure party plane to Viking plane to Harry Potter plane? So much jumping around! /s

          You’re acting like this is somehow breaking the mold here when it’s just the standard. Seems more like you’re just trying to find things to complain about, including made up memeified strawman situations to justify your contentious mindset.

          • @Kra
            311 months ago

            Yeah Harry Potter plane was awfully as well

          • kajib
            311 months ago

            While I don’t feel as negatively about these sets as the other poster, the attempt to be “flashy” strikes me the wrong way. Even though it’s been years now, I feel the same was true for the sets you listed in your response.

            I understand that they’re trying to market to a broad audience and generate hype for cool new worlds / themes / crossovers, but I’d prefer if the sets were slower and we spent more time on each plane.

            I realize this topic has been beaten to death and I have a bit of old man bias with this, but I’m not thrilled that trend is continuing.

            • Ech
              111 months ago

              For sure. It can definitely go too far sometimes. Personally, I do prefer this to getting stuck on one setting for too long, and I definitely don’t miss block drafts, but there’s obviously a balance to be struck and I can commiserate with those not looking forward to so much variation.