Fascists, Racists, Transphobes, Terfs, Homophobes can fuck off.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: February 22nd, 2022


  • Firstly, thank you so much for posting such an in depth summary of that revolting book, I don’t think I could stomach going through that vile trash even just to get the gist.

    Secondly, it might be true Vance has gone off the deep end. And I just don’t know which would make me hate him more.

    There’s a sick part of me that has a small bit of respect for fascists that actually would be willing to die for their beliefs, as I can identify with that willingness, albeit from the other side of the line. But Vance…nah…he just doesn’t strike me as being worth more time than it takes to wipe my ass…yet. But hey, I certainly could be wrong.

  • Xenogears for the PS1 had one of the best combat systems I’ve ever played. Tied with Star Ocean 2 for the PS1. There’s a remake which I think they overhauled the combat system, so I’m not sure if it still is as good as the first edition, but the customizability was amazing.

    After that Grandia was fun, but I played it far less than the aforementioned, so have less to say. Chrono Trigger was very good for what it was, and IMHO was only matched by FF6 in that category (heavy turn based combat systems). Chrono Cross is an honorable mention in that category as well.

    Lastly, very recently the Sea of Stars game had a very good combat system.

    Ultimately these games have great stories, and that’s all I really cared about, but the combat systems could either make or break the monotonous grind to get to the plot points, so they had to be at least decent to make the games playable.

    I highly recommend any of these games. Chrono Trigger in particular is highly regarded as possibly the greatest JRPG of all time, and personally I’d put Xenogears at 2nd place, with Star Ocean 2 at 3rd. But I might just be nostalgic.

  • I’m on the fence on this. I hate Fox news, but Harris seems to me to be able to think quick on her feet, and can make her arguments succinctly so that even if Trump rambles on, and the Fox team cuts her mic, unless they just shut her mic off from beginning to end (which wouldn’t look good, even for them), she’d still make Trump look like the fool.

    That said, I can’t think of a single person who wouldn’t be feeling the immense pressure in that situation, and it’d be very easy to lose your cool with that much shit piled against you. So I doubt she’ll take the bait and Trump will play it off as her being cowardly, but it’s a nothing burger, he’s just trying to distract from the fact they’ve got no game plan.

    The Trump team is reeling on the back foot right now and are still looking for their footing. They’re about to find it, but that doesn’t mean they’ll be able to recoup from this. They really had no recourse for going up against anyone except Biden, which just goes to show how little foresight and how much arrogance their political strategists had.

    I’ve got my criticisms of Harris, but she is a far better pick than Biden was, and I say if you smell blood in the water, that’s when you fucking go in for the kill. And in this case, since it’s Trump, I’d say it’s fine to kick the man while he’s down. He lost all right to civility after pulling that shit on January 6th.

  • The fact this book exists is more disturbing than the fact Vance endorsed it. Vance is a grifter who will say whatever he thinks will advance his own personal political power. His belief in this Fascist filth is as genuine as his friendship was with Sofia Nelson.

    In many ways, he’s more deplorable than actual Fascists because he doesn’t actually have a cause or belief he’s willing to die for. For spineless cowards like Vance, all that matters is that he gets his, whatever that means for him.

    If that means he throws his lot in with the Tech Billionaires, Fascists, and MAGA, so be it.

    Ultimately these kinds of books are the only type of “literature” I’d be happy to see burned and their authors exiled to “Angry Whites Only Island,” cuz while the US might have been founded by racist monsters, that’s not who the vast majority of us want to be or be enslaved to.

    So yeah, it’s not their country anymore, and if they’re gonna spout this much hateful rhetoric against people who just want to love who they want to love, and live how they want to live, then they’re the ones who are no longer welcome in the USA, and in many parts of the world. Fuck em. They can fuck off and die.

  • Weird is really too kind of a term, but I guess being called Nazis for so long made them kind of proud to be Nazis? Or at least made them feel threatening rather than hilariously incompetent and ridiculous? I don’t know, at this point whatever they can be called that will get under their skin and reveal them to be the incompetent moronic fascists they are, the better.

  • In another Lemmy post highlighting an article where Pete Buttigieg says America is ready for a gay man to be Vice President, I made this comment:

    Still waiting for Americans to be ready for a Trans Atheist Single Childless Woman of Color President.

    Obviously, this statement is, at least somewhat, hyperbole, but I made that statement to point out that I’m waiting for us all to grow the fuck up. Until we are able to accept and nurture a society that would willingly elect a Trans Atheist Single Childless Woman of Color as President of the United States Of America, based off of what they can contribute back to humanity as a whole (or, at the very least, I guess the nation state of the USA), then we truly are more akin to a bunch of high schoolers playing a popularity contest for who gets the nuclear access codes than adults participating in a mature and healthy electoral process.