One foot planted in “Yeehaw!” the other in “yuppie”.

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • Even on Windows, Proton drive is hot garbage. It never syncs my files correctly. Has a tendency to leave half encrypted uploads just lying around. Eating up desk space.

    Don’t even get me started on how long it takes to upload anything. Got a 1 GB file? Good luck!

    And that’s before getting into the fact that it’s proton’s third product. It was announced in 2019. 5 years and they still don’t have proton drive as a working product.

    Another gripe I have is that the Linux VPN client still doesn’t support wireguard. Sure, you can download wireguard configuration files. And they work just fine. But changing servers is a pain in the ass because of it.

    It’s made me seriously consider dropping my visionary plan and moving to a more competent provider.

    That being said, proton mail has been fantastic. And I have a ton of domains on it. So it would be a pain to move. I guess I’m just in a stalemate.

  • I’m running a Steam OS like experience on my Lenovo Legion Go. Not quite a steam deck, but very similar.

    You should be able to use the heroic launcher. And you should be able to install it as a flat pack or a snap. That will make your GOG games as easy to download and install as a steam game. If I recall correctly, it even automatically adds entries for steam.

    I regularly play Bomb Rush Cyberfunk on this device using the GOG edition.

  • I normally would, but my wife has the same problem and she’s done that 3 times in the last 6 months. In fact, her problem became MUCH worse because the “clean slate” was far more impressionable. She’d search up beauty routines, only to find that Youtube thinks she now wants to see “popping” videos, even though she’s now searching for dinner recipes.

    So yeah, I saw her experience and decided “no thanks”.

    To be fair, MOST of YouTube I watched can be found on Nebula and Floatplane, both of which will likely not have this issue since it’s not a user-content platform. Not to mention, the creators likely make more from those platforms anyways.

    YouTube is basically unavoidable though, so now I just view everything through a piped instance if I absolutely need something that can only be found there.

  • I used to subscribe to YouTube premium as of just a few days ago. Even without the ads. There was something very seriously wrong with the suggestion algorithm.

    I was getting cartel violence videos, and dead animal videos. Never watched one before in my life. Yet. YouTube seems to think that I should want to watch this crock of shit. This started coming up about 6 months ago. Until now I’ve been reporting each video as they come up. But that doesn’t seem to help at all.

    At this point I think YouTube is a danger to society - if it’s recommending cartel violence videos to me unsolicited, what are they suggesting to my nieces?

    I have completely nuked it from my life. Almost all of the YouTubers I like are on Nebula or Floatplane so it doesn’t feel like I’m missing much.

  • I’m also on a 7Pro with no issues with WPA3, when it comes to stuff like this, and you’re running a Telco/Cable provided access point, my blame would start there as those things are never the way they’re supposed to be, they run screwed with firmware that you can’t control the updates on and never know if they’re doing everything the way their supposed to or not.

    Wha? Where did I say I was using the ISP provided modem? Oh, no-no. I buy all my equipment outright and my AP is the current top-of-the-line Netgear Docis3.1 modem/router combo.

    I’ve double checked this issue as well. As soon as I enable WPA-3 my pixel just refuses to connect, but no other device in my entire home does. Pretty sure it’s the Pixel somehow.

  • Does the violence of Doxxing accomplish that? I see no evidence that Doxing has done anything but embolden them. For me, if I look at the actual impact of these sorts of things, it doesn’t seem that Doxxing is effective at actually fighting back, and is, in fact, making things more dangerous for folks like you and me, not less. Sure we get that rush of dopamine when “Karen the Racist” is fired for her own stunts when revealed to the company, but we don’t check back in within 6 months to see that these people have largely recovered.

    Retribution only begets more retribution. Personally, I’m more for restorative justice - even for those we find reprehensible.

    Heck if the purpose is to “defend ourselves”, going the route of retribution seems counter to that goal.

    As for social costs - they already exist. I wouldn’t be a friend with a proud neo-nazi, nor would most people. But this level of Doxxing is amplifying that social cost to unproductive levels - and I fear it serves as nothing more than a leftist/liberal virtue signalling performance.

    If a drug dealer should receive compassion because of the systemic inequities that led him to “offend” - thus deserving restorative justice, why are closet Nazi’s that much different? We already know that retributive justice doesn’t work, and many of us would rather see it dismantled. Is every Nazi unfixable? I think the only people that can really answer this question are Germans. (And if anyone from Germany is here now, I’d love to hear your view on this - if it worked, what didn’t work, etc)

  • I never claimed the article to do that. I claimed that despite the article not doxing anybody that the comments in the thread were.

    And It was just one of many issues with the thread. It was very much. Also a hostile and toxic place to be. It stood head and shoulders over other similarly distasteful posts which is why I had issue with it.

    As on Reddit, no one really cares about the not so popular posts. But this post was top of the all feed drawing in more distasteful discourse.

    My position is that doxing is a form of violence. Violence in this definition is anything that restricts your choices. (Source: Philosophy Tube). Thus doxxing is violence since it forces one to move, react, or retaliate in response to the leaked information.

    It is never acceptable to me - full stop.

    The only entity with “Doxxing” permissions are government agencies with robust oversight such that this violence is only used when it’s the lesser evil over not.

  • Qobuz is unfortunately the only HiFi service worth anything ever since Tidal went with the MQA sham.

    But yeah, purchasing music is overly complicated by the use of 2 distinct applications one to stream, the other to buy.

    Not to mention that I’m outright insulted by how little care they put into organizing their library so that duplicate artist names don’t result in a single chimera artist where you need to sift through the non-related artist stuff yourself.

    What they did to VAST is a damn shame… Tried reporting it multiple times now via email and support tickets, but those assholes don’t care.

  • A similar thing happened to me as a kid!

    One of my favorite substitute teachers saw me trying to play a homebrew RPG with typical d6’s - all because I couldn’t afford the actual D&D books. After a few times, he came with his old 1st edition AD&D stuff and gave it all to me.

    Now, sure, it was the early aughts and folks were playing 3.0/3.5 and he gave me 1st edition books, but still!

    He also gave me all of his dice. Every single one. I still have (most) of them.

    I’ve already had a couple of chances to pay it forward a few times myself!