Is been known for years that Tesla was extremely overvalued and a crash was eventually going to happen. People hating melon musk might be helping, but it’s not fully why, and that is good. It’s a shit company all around. My fear is given his current position with Trump, this could be end up working out for him and other oligarchs and hurting a lot of regular investors.
What in the article makes you think the cameras had any impact on this case? Her lawyer still hadn’t talked to her when this was published. She was still taken with no information given. The cameras only seem to normalize this for some and put fear in others. And way too many are happy with it. But doesn’t seem anyone was able to do shit about it.
This is the new normal, this is now acceptable in every real way. Sure some people are upset, some are worried. But nothing is being done to stop it in any real way. This is America now. The country is a complete dictatorship with no laws for those in power. Seems a lot of people refuse to believe or see that.