• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I want to be the one to point out that retired generals making political statements is heavily frowned upon, so for them to take a step beyond that and ENDORSE A CANDIDATE is practically unheard of except in fringe cases like Michael Flynn.

    Upper brass is a pretty exclusive club, and retirees don’t generally make political statements to avoid stepping on the toes of the currently serving generals/admirals. If multiple generals/admirals felt the need to take this step, they would’ve done it with the knowledge and consent of current leadership.

  • Since Republicans are using the law to dismantle the law, I fear that we’re at a point where it is necessary for Biden and Democrats to break the law in order to save it. I don’t have a lot of faith in that happening, but seeing Biden step aside for Harris makes me hope that they see the GOP as the existential threat that they are and weighing every option.

    Regardless, we have to lend legitimacy to whatever they try to do, and we do that by running up the score in November. Harris has to win in dominating fashion, and if Republicans try to ratfuck their way into power, we cannot go quietly.

  • It’s a smear campaign when compared to Trump’s behavior. On one hand, we have an old guy with a stutter who (at the very least) is still wise enough to surround himself with competent people. He may forget some things, but if you examine his record these past four years, he has wildly exceeded my very low expectations and demonstrated why he managed to make it to the Presidency.

    On the other hand, you have another old guy who cannot open his mouth without telling bald-faced lies and whose mental state is rapidly deteriorating. Not to mention the crimes he’s committed. And yet, despite all this, the media is talking about how Biden is old and needs to drop out of the race, and not Trump.

    Now, why do you think that is?

  • Super famous singer “offers” to be featured on your track

    “Sure! I had my lawyer write up a contract; let me send it to your people and we can go from there.”

    If they’re cool, they’ll negotiate and sign a contract. “Just trust me, bro!” is never an acceptable answer. Protect yourself; have a contract before collaborating with anyone.

  • The more I read about it, the more it reeks of a baseless smear campaign. CNN actively tried to make Biden look bad during the debate, and a huge chunk of the corporate media saw it and jumped on it.

    It helped when Biden turned right around and had a strong showing at one of his campaign rallies. He had one off night, and everybody tried to make a mountain out of a molehill because they’re more concerned with making money than fighting the fascists.