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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 17th, 2023


  • I haven’t done much for modding, but I did mod up Beat Saber recently with ModAssistant. What I did was add the ModAssistant exe file as a non-Steam game, then put this in the launch options:

    STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH=“/home/[username]/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/620980” %command%

    The 620980 is the AppID for Beat Saber; you’d have to find it for each game. What this does it run the exe file in the same prefix as the game, which is good for making sure that any changes to ini files (etc) in AppData actually get written to the right spot. It worked great, no different than on Windows.

  • There should be a basic level of understanding a skillset when using a computer when using a computer is part of your job. Users shouldn’t be required to fix technical issues but they should know the terminology (click the file menu, select properties…, or right-click on your desktop and select an option.

    Its amazing how people use these tools daily but never learn how to use them. Imagine using saws, lathes, grinders, etc, but not knowing how to safely use them. It’s the same for computers. If you don’t know basic safety, you’ll infect your work network with malware, encrypt important files with CryptoLocker-type malware, etc. Honestly, companies should force a base-level of competence before allowing users on the network, but a lot of the users causing issues are directors or the CEO.

    There should be a computer license, like a driving license, that you need to get before you can operate computers connected to the internet in the modern world.

  • I wonder if she did die with a clear conscience considering she withdrew the money donated at her fundraiser (which I find hilarious that they have a “send prayers” button on the page) so that she could live. They said in an earlier update that they expect everyone to be fair minded and not request a refund, but people can reach out for a refund. Very manipulative. Also, she didn’t leave a will and the funds are “unfortunately” locked while they figure out her estate. The whole thing is worth a read, if you don’t mind puking a little in your mouth.