riseuppikmin [he/him]

Also found at riseuppikmin@lemmy.ml

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: May 19th, 2022


  • Exactly. I haven’t read enough of old Legends content to know about the Chiss Ascendancy in any real level of detail, but my tiny hope for new canon is that it provides more interesting storytelling foundation like Andor (and to a much lesser degree Ahsoka) than the other Disney content.

    The further away they get from Lucas’ work the more experimental the writing groups get (Dr. Aphra comics are a good time and The High Republic era has at least been novel albeit I feel it’s dipping in quality currently).

    I recognize Star Wars is slop, but I just hope they feel more empowered to try things rather than tell/re-tell “safe” stories.

  • In canon the original trilogy starfighters are substantially better than prequel trilogy technology but it’s largely because the imperial war machine kicked up and prioritized weapon’s research and capital class fighter development/production over basically everything else (even lying to and then forcibly working research groups regarsing energy research that was really only meant to ever power the death star). This is the father of Rogue One’s protagonist’s plight if you’d forgotten. The empire also used tons of slavery and various dealings with regional feudal lords for mass raw resource extraction and the expanding colonization and resource extraction is what was fueling the entire war economy.

    The core imperial worlds (and only really the aristocracy within them) were really the only beneficiaries of technological advances. The further you got from the imperial core the more explicit the relationship became “You and your planet exist to fuel our colonial war machine. Get in line or die.”

    In both new and old canon it’s explained the Emperor basically backed the wrong camp (Grand Moff Tarkin) who decided having a superweapons and slow, large battleships, the Death Star and Star Destroyers/Super Star Destroyers respectively, were more important than a much, much greater quantity of better equipped and defended fighter group (the tie defender project).

    I apologize to anyone reading this for me knowing it but I’m also glad to answer more questions if anyone is curious.