Heard on Swedish radio (P4) that there are even car dealers that no longer accept a tesla as trade-in when you buy a car from them.
Heard on Swedish radio (P4) that there are even car dealers that no longer accept a tesla as trade-in when you buy a car from them.
As long as as it isn’t on reddit yes, you can
The saddest thing is that I’m not even surprised anymore.
Assuming the troops are willing to return. “Welcome back, you’re fired!”
Alternative you could go by boat, but I’d advice is to travel by land because I expect Poland will join you. (or it’s just I’m hoping they will)
well, not for all of you, but there are a couple of loony’s out there (if you need proof of that: i’m here)
I’m sorry for the Caribbean, but if I’m totally honest, the news made me smile.
Probably not here, probably none at all. They blindly follow Trump. And proud to be blinded too I might add: Before I left reddit I wanted to ask a similar question in the republican subreddit. However, they where so loud and proud they found liberals on the subreddit and banned them for life I never bothered to put out any questions there.
wait…WHAT??? it doesn’t sound unlikely (tesla can be disabled remotely by tesla), but why would you buy it in such case? That’s why I voted the piracy party a couple of times. Not because I fully agree, but just to get people with at least some IT knowledge in
Good position for negotiations (not that an agreement under Trump -not even written down and signed- is worth shit)
As should europe. Clearly you can’t trust the USA anymore. What is the long-term prospect for spare parts?
Sun Tzu I should read/listen to him much much more …
However much I’d like to see it happen, I do see problems in cutting them off too. It’s not easy to cut power on such scale, but if possible, i’d be in favor of intermittent outages. Random on/off periods of random length. The only thing that sucks much more than no power is unreliable/unpredictable power.
keep in mind Americans are not all awful
Thnx for the reminder. I am trying, but I admit it’s not easy nowadays so it’s needed every now and then. I think by far the biggest part of Europe won’t argue when I say we totally lost trust and respect for the USA.
I get why the USA doesn’t see Melania anywhere … If I’d say half the things he said, my wife would not show herself to anyone either. If i’d say all of it she’d be gone far far far away long before i finished babbling
Can’t wait to see this happening. It’s a language A bully like Trump might understand. might.
You’re entitled to that opinion, and feel free to suggest a change of law, but for now … it’s still the law. And obeying only the laws that suits your goals is very much Trump/MAGA style. Let’s not get down to their level.
If we start ignoring the laws, we are no better than Trump and his clowns clan. Go for the alternatives instead. Also, If you keep using the US software they still get all anvertisement and telemetry which is more valuable to them than the software itself anyway.
“Putin ordered Trump to compensate Orban” There, fixed the headline for you