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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • The idea is that it gives moderate republicans a path to voting for her.

    Without the endorsements, they would feel like they’re betraying their principles and their party to vote D. With them, they can make a choice: Lots of rank and file voters will stick with Trump, but if a few party leaders, recently respected within the party, can vote for Harris, maybe that isn’t such a betrayal after all.

    Will it change the vote by 5-10%? Basically zero chance of that. But if it swings a few thousand voters in some strategic areas, it can make a difference. It’s not a strategy aimed at very many people, but those votes on the margins matter.

  • Trump represents modern conservatism, but he himself? I’m not sure he actually stands for a whole lot beyond his own orange bubble.

    He’s mostly a blank slate (philosophically and intellectually) that the people around him can use to get their agendas enacted. He surrounds himself with sycophants and bootlickers, so as long as they promise him wealth and power, he is content to parrot the talking points he’s given.

    Steven Miller, Steve Bannon, Alex Jones, and all the others…those are the real evil motherfuckers. When Trump is out of the picture, they’ll find some other half-wit to puppet. The fight won’t end when one figurehead fades in to history.

    idk, just one dude’s thoughts.

    (Just to be clear, none of that absolves him of the real damage he’s done. Malicious indifference is still malicious.)