It’s great that you have the skills to do that, but we both know that most people buying smart home gadgets don’t have those skills. I’d prefer those people to have a safe by default setup, which is why I advocate for Zigbee and Z-Wave.
It’s great that you have the skills to do that, but we both know that most people buying smart home gadgets don’t have those skills. I’d prefer those people to have a safe by default setup, which is why I advocate for Zigbee and Z-Wave.
One thing I like about Z-Wave and Zigbee devices is that they can’t connect to the internet no matter what, because they don’t have the hardware for it.
You’ve already got HomeAssistant to connect them to your Google Home or HomeKit account, so you can still turn on your closet light from the bar or whatever. You’re not losing anything by them not being connected to the internet directly. You just never have to worry about that stuff. Instead of having to keep 40 devices that were sold by some company that no longer exists up to date on their firmware, you just need to keep HA up to date.
All it costs is one $30 usb dongle.
They would have literally set the White House on fire using pipe bombs.
Yeah, that was my point.
I agree that there is genocide happening. I also understand that the guy who got elected is actively in favor of it and wouldn’t lift a finger to stop it if everyone in the country begged him, while the person who lost was trying to balance millions of conflicting priorities (and sadly those dying are not the top priorities) and the result isn’t what I want. There are other things to consider after you realize you’re not going to get what you want.
Maybe some of those people who he’s not popular with should have fucking voted.
$6 for a dozen large eggs. $8.50 for 18 at PriceRite.
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Every single loan forgiven was one that was always supposed to have been forgiven under the terms that existed at the time they were taken out. Biden followed the existing law.
Yet somehow we went 4 years before (and will go another 4 years) without any loans being forgiven. I don’t get how your argument supports your Biden Bad narrative. I understand that he wasn’t able to forgive more loans without breaking the law. Is that what you want, a president that breaks the law to uphold his campaign promises? Because, if so, I’ve got great news for you!
No. It took literal decades to get those initiatives in place. They were implemented veeerry slowly and only because laws were passed.
He did it better the second time around.
The first time looked a little awkward (though definitely recognizable as a Nazi salute.) The second one was spot on.
I don’t think I’ve ever heard a Trump promise that was actually achievable.
People who were 10 when Self Esteem came out probably think that, yeah.
The problem is the inability to be attracted to “regular looking” people.
The problem is that you’re shallow. That’s a personality problem. Improve your personality until you see the people around you as more than objects.
I realized I’d inadvertently crossed into Switzerland due to a wrong turn when my rental car’s navigation system alerted me to the fact. Whoops.
If my choices are a z-wave/zigbee thermostat that connects to my HomeAssistant instance and a Raspberry Pi that I have to maintain, I’ll pick the z-wave one (and I did, 10 years ago. It’s been rock solid.)
For my smart devices I prefer devices that can’t send information over the internet no matter what. I don’t want to worry about my thermostat mining bitcoin for some dude in China.
I’ve seen some witty remarks from him over the years. One of my favorites was when Republicans wanted to make it illegal to burn THE FLAG (gasp). Schumer was quoted something like: “I wish these people cared as much about what the symbol represents as much as the symbol itself.”
The problem with him is that he doesn’t uphold his agreements. Combine that with him thinking that the President is King and the US is an extension of himself means that you can no longer trust the US to uphold its agreements. So, no we are no longer allies in any way that you can count on. I’d suggest that Canada pay lip service to the “allies” bit, but not count on it in any way.
As a friend of mine says: “The American Bar Association is a very agree-to-disagree organization. If the ABA is warning about an imminent collapse of the rule of law, we are down to studs and wires.”