nohaybanda [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 5th, 2020


  • Of course everything needs to be interrogated through the lens of this principal contradiction!

    No, not of course. Lenses are only useful if you swap them around every once in a while. Otherwise they can become blinders.

    More to my original point, even accepting that finance capitalism is the principal contradiction (which I readily do), it does not follow that the way out is to single-mindedly move against the dollar at any cost. To make an analogy, one might argue that the principal point of interest on a tank is the turret (being the most dangerous); but the best way to take down the tank is certainly not running at the turret.

    The point is to keep the Global South under perpetual indebtedness so the IMF and international capital can come in and privatize your assets and strip away your wealth, and most importantly, exploit your labor to get cheap imports.

    This is “merely” (I don’t want to minimise it) another technology for doing the same old thing. The problem for the exploited Cobalt miner, plantation worker, factory laborer is still one of organised struggle. The whip of the capitalist has always been hunger and the threat of industrialised imperialist violence. The struggle continues until we reach victory.

    I’m going out on a morning walk, so I leave you with this. At which setback of dedollarization do we lift our hands and give up? When Russia goes back to being neoliberal dipshits? If China slides back and welcomes in the finance ghouls? If BRICS collectively come out and declare how much they love the dollar?

    No. Our work ends when capitalism ends and not a day sooner. That’s all there is to it.

  • That’s not it chief. As Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said:

    We all must establish this fact. The United States is totally responsible for the war raging in Gaza against unarmed, defenceless people. It is the United States that vetoes condemnation of Israel in the security council, the United States that stands in the way of a ceasefire in Gaza. It is the United States proving once again as described by Khomeini - it is the greatest Satan, the great devil, from Hiroshima to Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine. The United States must be held liable and then penalised for all what has been perpetrating against our people and the people of the region.

    If the US supports “Israel” that is because the decision makers of Empire (politicians, deep state, capital) believes this is their best course of action to maintain hegemony over the Middle East. The tail is not wagging the dog, but it is sometimes convenient for the dog to pretend otherwise

  • Fam, you’ve got excellent analysis and are obviously well read, but this preoccupation with dedollarization has got you doomposting something fierce. Every little thing that happens or doesn’t is another failure or setback on the road to dedollarization. I don’t know you and I’m not gonna psychoanalyze you but this can’t be healthy.

    I’m sure that when American hegemony ends the dollar will also fall. But we’re nowhere near this and we will only piece together the steps that got us there after the fact. It’s not at all clear to me that you can even separate the two then target the one to kill the other. Which is why BRICS is not trying to dedollarize as a concrete goal. They’re looking to secure markets for their economies, safeguard their industries and shipping, create spaces for mutual cooperation away from Western control etc. These can all be steps (or missteps) on the way to ending US hegemony but we can’t get hung up on any one of them.

    This struggle has been going on for longer than I’ve been alive. I hope to see it end one day with victory for the global proletariat, but it’s not gonna be a sprint. And if you have a grim rejoinder to that last bit, I urge you to not focus on it, calm your breathing and keep putting one foot before the other.

    edit to add paragraphs