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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023

  • Her argument for being vocal is that her and her generation will have to live with the consequences of our fuckups the longest and hardest.

    Surprise, but if you stop generate energy by oil you can’t have hard industry. It is quite difficult to cast steel without huge energy consumption. And aluminum is even more difficult. But for some reason, no one wants to ride horses and abandon airplanes. Them can stop buy industrial products. And problem will gone.

    And no, strangling heavy industry in your country until it is evacuated to China is not a fight for the global environment.

    It is convenient, of course, to tell what idiots everyone around is without having worked a single day in heavy industry. And in Greta’s case, without having worked a day at all, apparently. I suggest she work at the factory for a couple of years and then repeat her statements.

    And it is better to live for a couple of years in a country with a less mild climate. Let’s say where it is -30 in winter. Surely she doesn’t hope that all 9 billion people will fit into the warm bosom of the Gulf Stream? Pollution from heating is also very significant. We don’t even turn off cars here in some cities because then we just won’t start them.

  • I think that in order to solve such a question, we first need to consider something else. Why, if votes are so important to you, can’t you just create a bunch of accounts and vote honestly on any server?

    As soon as we are really sure that 1 person is 1 vote, and not 10, 100, 10000 or any other number, then it is already possible to build trust checks between servers. Although it seems that this has not been solved even by large social networks.

    The answer to your question in general is this: store the votes by servers and then double-check the result randomly.

    S returns: 50 votes for a post from server A, 30 for a post from server B, 10 for a post from server C, etc. Then you can randomly check on these servers whether the amount is correct. However, there is no way to check the voices of server S, so they either have to be thrown out or still trust the server at its word. It is possible to fully verify server S only if registration on all servers goes through a trusted intermediary.

  • So what? How are civil servants, paramilitary formations created personally by Putin, and a linear engineer connected?

    If Putin’s logic is mysterious to you, I can easily explain it. If you personally took money from Putin, then obey the commands. Especially if we talk about the military, which has the largest state preferences. Pension at 35 years old. Pensions are 3 times more than standard ones. Any government support, apartments, anything else. Big profits are big risks.

    Politicians literally almost all entered the government through Putin’s party. In this situation, you should not try to run over to the other side, it’s obvious.

    And an ordinary engineer clearly does not fit into this logic.

  • I am always a little amused by the comments of Europeans about Russia as a country of madness and murder. Putin may be a murderer, but he is not a psychopath. Almost 100% is mushroom poisoning. Especially considering how many people in Russia actually pick mushrooms on their own and eat them. On average, about 10,000 Russians are poisoned by mushrooms every year due to the fact that they made a mistake when collecting in the forest. Dies, of course, much less, but the chance is non-zero. I also collect mushrooms in the nearby forest and eat almost all my life. And pickle for the winter too.

    UPD: Considering that insults have began, I’m sorry if I offended someone. I’m just surprised how much people are really afraid of one person. Even he is a dictator. Putin kills a line engineer. What’s next? Eat children? It’s amazing that people write insults to me at all. What if I am also a hidden Putin and tomorrow the door handles will be smeared with a “novichok”? XD

  • Yes yes. The evil Putin has usurped all power alone and is standing up to the entire government like a real Russian. And he probably shot Nemtsov personally.

    In fact, there are many interested forces in the government. People for war, people against war, people who don’t care. Everything is like everywhere else.

    Prigozhin went on his march because Putin tried to legally ban Wagner by transferring all financial flows to the army. Prigozhin received the money and quietly left. probably literally everyone knows this. how fashionable it is to believe in the image of a strong old man is a mystery to me.

  • On DNS you need A record if you have ipv4 only or A and AAAA records if you have ipv4 and ipv6.

    You DNS outside you home servers? If you have dynamic IP at home you can’t host DNS on home server.

    You have only 1 IP? You need port forwarding on you home gateway to home servers if you use somerhing like SSH. If you want access to something web based you need proxy. NGINX for example.

    How it exactly work:

    • Somewhere someone write youdomain.com in browser.
    • Browser ask local dns: who is youdomain.com
    • local dns ask another dns, and another and in one iteration request go to you dns. Or maybe some of dns have cached answer. But imagine that not.
    • You dns send answer youdomain.com is 111.222.333.444 for example. That is A record.
    • DNS work stop on that.
    • Browser send request to 111.222.333.444 with HTTP header “Host: youdomain.com” and some path. / or /something maybe.
    • Some balancer should get request and send in to right server in you home network.

    UPD: don’t show to internet something risky interfaces. Proxmox web panel or something like that. This is a real bad idea. For that type of services VPN extremely greatest. Send you DNS to public without protection not a great idea too. Including pihole. I think you will get into some botnet already on the 3rd day of work.

  • nitrolife@rekabu.rutoMemes@lemmy.mlClassic idiots
    1 year ago

    I wrote a little bit about something else.

    The law of conservation of energy always applies. If the wind rotates the windmill, then the energy of the wind force is converted into the energy of rotation of the windmill, and the wind energy reserve decreases.

    I have not found a single study on the impact of the global installation of wind turbines on wind roses around the world. Accordingly, I just can’t understand why this energy is considered “green”. Then the gasoline generator is quite environmentally friendly until the number of generators reaches a critical level.

    Moreover, the consequences of even a slight change in the wind rose are much more catastrophic than the pollution of the planet with carbon dioxide. For example, such as you see in the picture in the post.

  • nitrolife@rekabu.rutoMemes@lemmy.mlClassic idiots
    1 year ago

    They cost a few dollars per full recharge to charge compared to $30-50 per gas tank

    In my region full car fuel by gasoline cost 20$ and full electrocar recharge cost 14$. Not so much economy.

    they often regulate their internal temperature while charging so no waiting ages for the car to warm up first thing in the morning while you scrap ice off the windows

    If I drop electric car as my usual car on a field on nowhere I can’t go anywhere in the morning. If I drop my electric car on parking that costs recharge more than gasoline for usial car.

    Warming up the cabin also exists in my anti-theft system, just press the button while drinking tea before leaving.

    and who doesn’t love the instant insane torque that an electric motor provides?

    The moment to achieve which you need to warm the battery in advance for as much as 2 minutes and return to recharge in half an hour? In normal mode, this is no different from the average gasoline car, like Honda for example. I have a motorcycle for speed.

    Lower maintenance costs, longer lifetimes of individual vehicles

    I have 15 years old Honda Accord, and I payed nearly 16 000 $ on maintenance for all 15 years. Tesla model S cost me 85 000 $ for new car if I want by it and nearly 70% of that every 5 years because battery capacity will degrade and need replace. This not look like an lower maintenance cost.

    plus idling is basically free so drive-thrus, listening to music while parked and stop go traffic wastes way less gas. Regenerative breaking not only provides some free charge to the motors but also spares your breaks so they last way longer.

    The average mileage for me is 200 kilometers. In one day. And if I want to visit my parents, then 800 kilometers in one direction along the highways without recharge stations. ,Saving on idling, but the need to buy a generator for $ 1,500 just to visit your parents? I’d rather overpay for not to stand in the middle of nothing at -35 degrees for a few hours without working conditioner just to be able to drive on.

    All change by regions. I can buy 95 gasoline per 0.6$ for liter. Electric cars will extreme hard try for enter to market.


    Not to mention how capturing pollutants at the plant is far more doable than capturing pollutants from every single car.

    The irony is that transport throws out more factories, only if you count cars, ships and all other transport. If we count only private cars, then factories still emit more, even despite all the tricks of filtration. This, of course, does not mean that you should not try to reduce emissions. The main thing is that such dirty gasoline cars should not be replaced by a new conglomerate of factories.

  • nitrolife@rekabu.rutoMemes@lemmy.mlClassic idiots
    1 year ago

    Why you? I was talking about my geographical area. And we don’t build any wind turbines, we just use nuclear and hydroelectric power plants. although, of course, we mainly use thermal power plants.

    Climate is a planetary-scale problem, so it is impossible to build environmentally friendly energy production on one side of the earth in the hope of overcoming warming. Maybe my English is not good enough. This is my third language, so I’m really sorry.

  • nitrolife@rekabu.rutoMemes@lemmy.mlClassic idiots
    1 year ago

    I really don’t understand the topic well, but I searched the Internet and indeed wind generation is possible. but there is still no solar generation due to too short daylight hours. as for hydroelectric power plants, they are already around. I did not think that they are considered green, given that they require flooding of huge territories.

    UPD: also, for any large wind generation, forests will most likely have to be cut down.