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Maybe it is time to accept that if your empire only exist while old genocidal fuck lives it would be benefical to everyone involved, including people that live on the lands claimed by so called russia, to accept that it shouldn’t exist as it is now. As for not loving putin and sAnCtIoNS and powerlessness, hundreds of thousands of russians have of their own free will chose to sign a contract with army to go and die in Ukraine and not to go and depose their not loved putin.
It won’t be brought down by some public revolt, russians actually love putin and will blame everyone but their own god-king, also they don’t care about “standards of living”.
Fuck russia, and their suicidal and genocidald monkeys. Fuck china, and their racial segregation, genocide, and forced fucking sterilisations. Fuck every second asian country for being smaller china at best. Fuck americas for being unable to not make the most retarded choice out of given. Fuck yurop as well.
Is there a push to identify learning problems in unattractive people, really?
So not really full? 🙃 Good news for Bulgaria and Romania!
Mastodon is easy to use, it had no chance to become neo-twitter for other reasons.
Can you accept organic growth and not being the bestest best with three billions people?
Part of the social contract, what can you do?
Is there a one-shot somewhere about people around superman getting cancer due to his x-ray vision? I think it would be an observable phenomenon if his eyes always worked in this manner.
Porn. 🙃
And? People have sex even if they have children already.
All existing apps would work but you will need to install them.
There are multiple groups whose goals are in conflict, at best they will form a working non religious government.
And there won’t be any reprecussions again.
Nobody knows, probably all of them will start a war with each other and isis somehow will return.
But will he really take all responsibility?
There is nothing especially sad about it, all religions are equally good/bad.
russians of course! Haven’t you heard that not giving your country to russia is nazi-imperialism?
So you assume that other people think that you are an asshole doesn’t actually mean that you think that you are an asshole? It isn’t cherry-picking when discussion started with you generalizing about “men” being not_good by default. There is little that is understandable about such a position, have you tried not to have negative assumptions about yourself and other people that you don’t know?
Than the previous one duh.