…there’s a comic i read somewhere illustrating how sombre, dramatic campaign settings ultimately devolve into slapstick hijinks and silly, slapstick campaign settings ultimately evolve into dramatic epics…
…there’s a comic i read somewhere illustrating how sombre, dramatic campaign settings ultimately devolve into slapstick hijinks and silly, slapstick campaign settings ultimately evolve into dramatic epics…
…cave diving is the most dangerous deadly recreational sport of which i’m aware…
…so about fourty years ago i met a deer raised with farm dogs and it pretty much behaved like one of their pack, barking and all…
…i suspect they realised that the bare roasting pan wasn’t going to work, transferred it to a foil sheet, everything fell apart, and then hastily re-assembled the broken bits into what was cooked for the final result…
…trump’s trivially manipulated: the next four years are china’s best shot and they know it…
…en san juan we’re gringos, not honkeys…
…the village building inspector is a recurring NPC in our ongoing campaign of the last four years…
Fuck you if you didn’t choose harm reduction.
…thirty years of choosing harm reduction brought us to this point…
…i held my nose and voted against fascism, but if you want to blame someone, blame the f*cking fascists and blame the thirty years of harm reduction which enabled them: pluralities win, that’s how american democracy works…
…my wife made me dump our earthlink hosting account three years ago for a more-modern hosting service; i feel like my greybeard credibility was compromised…
…my wife is mortified when she sees what the beta magic cards we ebayed to make rent go for these days…
…rivendell is a legimate masterpiece…
…okay, that totally went over my head: i guess i’m one of today’s lucky ten thousand?..
(i can’t read the screen on your walkie-talkie: is that some kind of remote seismograph for haitian earthquakes?)
…these look good!..i still regret having to sell off my playmates starships during the dot-com crash…
“It makes me feel GREAT! Smarter. More aggressive.”
…buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo…
…isn’t that essentially critical role?..