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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • As a Flight Simulator / study-level airliner add-on enjoyer I want to point out / supplement the above, that the main point of a real-world airline transport pilot is handling exceptions and problems. Sure I can American-Truck-Simulator-Airbus-Edition my way through a flight from cold and dark at one gate to cold and dark at another. I do not know how to handle failures.

    Makes for a fun shower thought. And a fun exercise in task saturation, going into the menu and triggering a bunch of random failures. You usually need a bunch for a fun challenge because, in a study level thingy, the list of potential faults is huge and most of them are just a reduction in redundancy, a “crew awareness” item, or loss of a convenience feature. But I do not belong on a flight deck under any realistic circumstance.

    Gives you huge appreciation for how massively redundant airliners are, how much “we already thought this through and here’s what gives you the best chances at a safe outcome” research went into every checklist and procedure, and how much study and practice goes into training and maintaining every fight crew member, cabin crew included.

  • I think this was asked in good faith, but is unfortunately unlikely to produce useful discussion. The down-voters are right but the original poster shouldn’t feel bad for asking.

    Short answer: it’s ok to say “maybe, we have no way to know, moving on” when something is unknowable like this.

    Longer answer / topic hijack: as voters there are many contradictions in our system, and important and necessary information is often hidden from us. Doing the best we can might take various forms:

    • choose government ran by the least-evil people possible and trust the imperfect system formed by the structured interactions of those people

    • choose government that follows policies that align the best with your values or your ethical understanding of the world

    • choose government that is best able to reduce harms and injustices, in a practical and realistic way that anticipates the acts of other factions

    • choose government led by people you hate the least — no, this one is toxic, lazy, easy to manipulate with lies. Manipulators know the longer they keep people hot with emotion the less time people spend learning.

    Please do not reply to this with hatred or calls for strong emotion. Leaders at any level can be deliberately evil, sure, but it’s never helpful to dehumanize entire clusters or demographics.

  • When I last had to job hunt (2016) - I just jinxed it didn’t I? - I was complimented by interviewers for separately listing “Classroom experience” and “Professional experience”

    I think you get a lot of points for a resume that says “I may or may not be the best fit for you, and that’s ok. Here’s accurate information, so you can make that determination for yourself. I trust you.”