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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 24th, 2023


  • I thin there should be a proper study and maybe proposal to Legalize and lightly-regulate class-A drugs so the Cartel loses their main revenue stream, black market drugs.

    I am pulling this out my butt, but Im betting the main source of capital in the cartel’s economy is wealthy people buying drugs. Poor people too, but Im betting the wealthy addicts with jobs and clean records contribute more.

    If we rerouted those funds to actual tax-revenue-generating jobs the Cartel mightlosee somepowera and our economy wouldn’t be leaking so much money to the illegal drug trade.

  • I’ve always hated this asshat. He’s always seemed like a guy trying to run a football game instead of having a platform based in policy.

    He never spends his time on TV talking about an issue that matters. It’s just whatever bullshit talking point of the day on the news which will be promptly forgotten about the next. He’s Newt Gingrich dressed blue… Okay, maybe not the satan shitpile Newt Gingrich is, but I hate when people are dying and windbags like this are going on about Iowa straw polls.

    Who gives a damn what Puskatawnee Phil says about the election; our future generation is fucked if we dont nail down climate change, the economy which is based on exponential growth and the whole slavery thing thats still alive and well and everyone is worse off for it…

    Hell, child labor laws are being repealed and women are being jailed for having a miscarriage. But tell me again how so-and-so shoulda spent more time campaigning in that county because its a purple county in a swing state instead of, I dunno doing what won Bill Clinton the Election… Carville’s one big win. He talked about the economy and healthcare after Bush Senior had trashed it by sending us to war in Iraq to try to clean up the mess he made when he was head of the CIA… I hate politics