No worries. They’re updating to 0.19
No worries. They’re updating to 0.19
Twitter/Instagram/Facebook/[Popular Social Media] is a meme now I guess.
Shellcheck really helps
Congrats to them on achieving the minimum acceptable education.
How cum?
It’s a fully clothed woman.
If the Republicans pick Trump, the Democrats will pick Biden. This is the real reason why they want Trump in prison. Otherwise we won’t have an elected president under 75 until 2032.
I thought nerds liked MANGA.
I downloaded Liftoff today. It’s pretty fancy, and ad free.
I actually made this before chatgpt became so popular. At the time, the people I made this about wanted to use things like pytorch, tensorflow, and scikit.
That’s a sick sense of humor.
All the good GUIs have a license fee.
Some cities have been sued for doing that. You can’t face your accuser in court if your accuser is a computer.
Neither remove untracked files sadly.
So you know when someone steals your car.
When a bug has been around for so long, it gets promoted to feature.
A group of cute funny characters leaving Antarctica for something better and end up becoming spies? This sounds like another Dreamworks movie.
It wasn’t a failed rape bid. It was a failed rape attempt. There wasn’t an auction like I was thinking based on what I read in the title.