• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2023


  • Thank you for sharing a little about your own journey with your wife. I’m really happy to hear that y’all are in a better place now. I feel like too often, I hear about the couples that didn’t make it through something like this. Things like this certainly put a huge strain on a marriage, and many times it’s going to be what makes or breaks a couple.

    I hope my husband and I are able to come out of this stronger as individuals and as a couple - like you and your wife. I think we’re definitely headed in the right direction.


  • They actually are. I tried talking to my husband about a lot of the suggestions I was given in this thread, but he wasn’t very receptive to really any of it. I’m trying to keep in mind that he comes from a background where being depressed and struggling emotionally is considered mental weakness. Not to mention, I feel like it’s really hard to accept you need help (or even feel like you can be helped) when you’re extremely depressed. But I said my piece, and he at least listened to everything I had to say before turning it all down. In the past, he would have cut me off to turn me down.

    Maybe doesn’t sound too optimistic lol, but when I saw him shut down those advances, I tried one of the other suggested approaches where I made plans for things that I know he loves. We go bouldering together and we love it, but had kinda dropped off due to depression on both our ends, but I started getting that routine going again. He had also mentioned that one thing he was struggling with was understanding what he was working towards, because he couldn’t see any clear goal in mind. He just feels like he’s going through the motions without actually moving or progressing anywhere. We used to always do projects, but again, that had kinda dropped off due to depression and just life being busy. So I took the initiative to start a “Life List” outlining the projects we need to do, want to do, and just other fun things we’ve been wanting to do. Goal was to get the ball rolling so that we could both build this list together, prioritize, then essentially plan it out on a calendar to create realistic objectives.

    I’ve never been good at planning - I’m more of an “on the fly” type person, but I see that he needs help getting going with this, because this is important to him.

    Anyways, all of these gestures seem to have helped pull him out of the deep darkness, and he’s starting to feel more like himself again.

    I know that the goal isn’t to get back to exactly where we were, but I feel like things are a little bit better in the sense that he’s been opening up to me a little more. Sharing more about his feelings, and more importantly, being honest about them. It’s a huge step in the right direction, because he in general seems more comfortable with addressing his feelings. Hopeful that in the future, he’ll be finally willing to open up to a professional that can help him work through his deep-seated trauma. Especially hope that he has the confidence and knowledge that I’ll be by his side the whole way (not literally, of course).

    Sorry for the ramble. Means a lot that even though you don’t know me, you had the thought to check in. You and everyone else in this thread have been truly amazing. We’re not making leaps and bounds here, but any progress is good progress. :-)

  • He has changed, but so have I. Been together for 7.5 years and married for 3.5. We both came into this relationship with a lot of emotional baggage, and 2 months after he proposed to me, my brother drowned to death during a rafting accident we were both part of. My husband and other brother almost died that day, but I was able to pick up my other brother in my raft and flag down help in time for my husband and us. It could’ve been a lot worse. But we still lost my older brother whom we were all 3 very close with. He was going to be the best man at our wedding. We didn’t find his body right away. We spent the next 2.5 days after the accident searching for his dead body on foot along the coast of the lake, until his body finally floated up to the top of the lake - not 20 ft from where i had picked up my other brother. My husband couldn’t help because of a severe viral infection he was fighting for having swallowed too much lake water while trying to survive.

    This was extremely hard to deal with and process for a lot of reasons, and we almost didn’t make it as a couple. I could feel the shift after several months. Took me that long because it was all too much for me to handle. By then, we both had said and done a lot of hurtful things in our grief.

    As a couple, we have not historically communicated well emotionally (because of individual emotional baggage + collective trauma). However, we have come a long way, and are significantly better today. But we still have a ways to go.

    One of the big struggles is that he doesn’t have other people that he trusts like that, so he just doesn’t open up unless it’s with me, and he certainly doesn’t always open up with me. It’s not my preference that he only opens up to me, but it’s a product of a few factors, and I know he’s not happy about it either. Just not sure what to do about it.

  • This response has terrified me the most. I guess it’s because I didn’t write this post with the thought that he’d see it. On the contrary, I was relying on the full anonymity for me to be honest, and for me to receive honest responses.

    That being said, maybe you’re onto something… these are my unfiltered thoughts and feelings, and I truly do feel nothing but love for him.

    I’ll need to think about this suggestion more.

    Thank you very much for the response.

  • I’m sorry to hear that you feel like you can’t open up to your wife. That’s gotta be rough, but based off your description of her reactions in the past, I totally get it. Glad to hear you have an alternative.

    I never want my husband to feel like he can’t open up to me, so I’ll use this as a cautionary tale.

    I hope you find some level of peace, trust, and communication in your marriage.

  • Man, I’ve always said to him that the amount of sunlight I see affects my mood! He’s always said it was nonsense, but you’ve inspired me to do more research to back up my claims lol. I always say we live in a cave because the windows are usually closed (one of those “choose your battles” situations, and he prefers the darkness).

    Thank you for sharing your knowledge! I’m very happy to have an excuse to bring more sunlight into my day.

  • The thing that prompted me to write this post was that my husband admitted that he felt like I was mad at him and didn’t want him around.

    We play Project Zomboid together with my brother, and while the three of us were building out a sick base in Riverside, my husband drove out to West Point by himself to find new adventures. Little odd, but no problem - in the morning, my brother and I made the journey to meet him at a new base he was creating. When we got there, we started scavenging around for wood/supplies/etc for the new base, and were working together to set it up. Next thing I know, he’s driving to Louisville by himself. If you’ve never played the game, that’s the big mama jama city with all the zombies, but also all the goodies. When we logged off for the night, I asked him what was up with that? Honestly, I was upset that he didn’t even ask if we wanted to join. After several minutes of back-and-forth, he let me know that it’s because he knew my brother and I didn’t really want to do anything with him. That we didn’t actually want to drive to West Point, and that I was mad at how little progress he made before we got there. He knew that I felt he should’ve had the generator running, several rain barrels that were all plumbed, and some sort of a cooking station. This was all news to me because I absolutely didn’t feel that way, and was just trying to catch up with him cause I wanted to play with him.

    Sorry for the ramble, but I’m trying to illustrate how the depressed mind can work. I went from feeling frustrated to heartbroken when I understood that he just thought I was mad at him and didn’t want to be around him. It was so far from the truth, and I know that it was so far from how I acted. But that doesn’t matter- all that matters is how he perceived it.

    I’m not sure what the story is with your girlfriend, but please keep in mind that it’s very possible that your mind is misconstruing things.

    Best of luck to you. If you wanna talk, please PM me, or please feel free to hijack my post. :-)