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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 29th, 2023


  • Putting aside economical aspect, western civilisation in order to sustain itself, requires on average little above 2 children per household (can’t find the link to the study). Such number would provide enough “man power” to replace aging work force and would keep society going forward. This is the perfect world scenario. Unfortunately we don’t live in a perfect world and there’s nothing current governments can do to change it. It would require a lot of work, money and time and no government will risk long term investment because it won’t give much votes.

  • I have a few thoughts on this. And before you downvote me, read to the end and have a genuine reflection.

    1. Europe is facing a huge problem with crimes committed by immigrants.
    2. Despite of the spin “we need a workforce to fulfill low paying, low profile jobs”, most of the so called “doctors” and “engineers” prefer to use social benefits instead of getting a job.
    3. Most of the immigrants prefer to stay in “ghettos” instead of integrating into a society they moved into.

    Because of that and many more similar issues, people turn into dangerous, populist ideas. Those far-right movements prey on nations insecurities and gain support by hitting the “sweet spot”. And the worst part is that the central views get boxed as left or right winged which basically undercuts what they are tying to sell.

    And just for the record, the Polish PiS party is not far right. It’s a populist, socialist party playing a church card every time it’s convenient.