Also the internet uses massive amounts of water and energy
Also the internet uses massive amounts of water and energy
Yeah, with a shrinking supply, prices will skyrocket no matter what
I’m pretty sure they’re a psyop from a rogue nation state and don’t exist
A combination of inputs before my existence, during my historical existence and real time inputs which combined with natural randomness leads to outputs at time
I suppose it depends on what outcome you want. Do you want only your thoughts or do you want something or someone else’s thoughts
The data wasn’t stolen, I can at least assure you of that
Are you sure those aren’t trained until 2021, frozen, and then fine tuned on later data?
Yeah GPT 3.5 and some other FOSS models also say 2021
Anyone know why most are a 2021 internet data cut off?
none, infinite growth on a finite planet is impossible. the nuance is that the goal of infinite growth can only be possible in fiat or debt based currencies. can’t just print more seashells to intice capitalists into an “infinite growth falacy”
so… capitalism doesn’t exist in a world with infinite growth potential. fiat currencies do and when tied in with capitalism, “infinite growth” is a goal. nuance is hard but not too difficult
what’s the difference between old.reddit and reddit? and why does reddit support old.reddit?
i was thinking more of the electricity, precious metals, human labor, and other resources needed for this one human to not stand in an area for a few minutes
they also were illegally tracking users’ location and aggregating that data to build their map’s traffic data. wouldn’t put it past them to do it without user knowledge or consent and use it
human uses internet to bounce image onto a dozen servers, captured by multiple governments, data mined and ai trained on by proprietary software company, just to not spend five minutes standing
thank you for your service! it’s been a treat the last week!
Seriously. It isn’t helpful towards the environment if we are using so many resources to mine chips and metals and then push it along the internet to then be trained on said AI bots. Would be more sustainable using paper and planting trees smh