Its to make you comment and you have now activated their trap card!
Its to make you comment and you have now activated their trap card!
Sir, this is a Wendy’s.
Yeah. Don’t feed the troll and in the meantime millions are reading the troll’s bullshit anyways. I feel not giving a response can backfire easily, I hope German politicians do not underestimate the potential threat here.
I will now every time I see an article about people this old, post this article:
Regions where people most often reach 100-110 years old are the ones where there’s the most pressure to commit pension fraud, and they also have the worst records.
Something like this?
What the fuck even is a catholic hospital? Praying the pain away? Offering a free confession close to death?
Surely they are not making use of modern medicine based on science that defies their beliefs.
Not… like that.
Well. She can be gay too.
The amount of comments not pointing out the genitals is worrying. Both from an intelligence and horniness point of view.