• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 22nd, 2023


  • Australia has ABC Vote Compass, but it has some oddities based on issues with our political/media landscape:

    • it only places you relative to the three top parties
    • all the questions are specific election wedge issues (mostly between the top two parties) rather than broader ideological questions, and so it only updates in the run up to each federal (read: national, Australia wide) election
    • it takes politicians statements at face value, and doesn’t factor in actual behaviour in power which is often at odds (if you’re curious, look up the history of high speed rail or nuclear power in Australia. Both have been used for electioneering again and again, neither exist despite the advocating party winning)

  • Oh god you reminded me of this gem


    Someone asks how to do http caching in HAproxy.

    The one answer:

    don’t use the wrong tool

    haproxy is a wonderful tool. It does not provide caching. A quick scan of the fine docs can verify this. Unless you want to patch haproxy you need to use a tool that does what you’re looking to do.

    don’t create impossible problems

    By asking for haproxy to do something that it doesn’t and excluding the tool that seems to do what you want to do you’ve create an impossible situation. There is no technical solution for this. Don’t make choices that box you into a corner.

    try varnish or anything that actually caches

    If you get over that you might find this tutorial on using varnish with haproxy useful or try varnish by itself. Maybe squid or memcached would be more your speed.

    In the comments to this ludicrous tirade we get this simple comment:

    This was true and valid back then. Nowadays HAProxy does this.

    And just in case someone found this looking for an answer, here’s the example from that link

    backend bck1
      mode http
      http-request cache-use foobar
      http-response cache-store foobar
      server srv1
    cache foobar
      total-max-size 4
      max-age 240

  • Just in case you’re not just satirically listing things that are already awful;

    Supermarkets increase their “retention” by limiting signage to keep you wandering and avoid “just get that thing and go” shopping. I don’t know how common this is, but when I was a kid the major supermarkets had long lists of what items were in each aisle, plus highly visible signs in the aisle to show exactly where each category was. Now days at the major chains those in aisle signs are completely gone, and the categories have been whittled down to a few major categories; most products aren’t represented on the sign at all e.g. you have to assume “cake mix/decorating” are in the same aisle as “flour”.

    Unskippable ads on all pumps are absolutely a thing that are getting more popular. Mobil is particularly bad for it in my experience.