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Cake day: June 7th, 2024

  • On the one hand, I can get where he’s coming from on a humanitarian viewpoint, that praying for someone else’s death is in the abstract a bad thing.

    But to break up a band that’s been going for like 25 years and that was the foundation of his entire success over something that could be equated to being a jovial quip either means that tenacious d has other issues as a band or that Jack Black has some political opinions that are more important to him than his friends.

    I hope he gets a wake up call and attempts to repair the relationship with Kyle Gass as soon as possible.

  • I don’t always whip out the Bible to prove a point but all these like hateful so-called Christians who are rising up to injure their fellow man make me think of this line:

    2nd Thessalonians 2:11-12:

    And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

    Regardless of whether you believe in the Bible or anything like that, the fact that this scenario has been spoken about in the past indicates that it is a known sociological fallacy in human beings, that we as a group have a tendency to engage in hateful self-destructive behaviors while under a strong delusion that we are doing the right thing.

    I just wish people could see that when you have 100 million Cassandras screaming at you that Rome is about to go down in flames that somebody who has access to the fire extinguisher could hear them and break the glass.

    (Choosing the word Cassandra because Cassandra was a seer who was cursed so that nobody would believe her prophetic visions, and so she was bound to helplessly watch over and over again is horrible things happened)

  • For further clarification, my ideal system would be that should the house choose to impeach a supreme Court Justice and then the supporting of their impeachment would be brought to popular vote by the American people.

    Sure that’s a little clumsy, but it allows for not just political motivation to rule the Day when it comes to correcting our supreme Court and checking their power.

    Quick edit, I would probably also make this a required vote at every congress. At least once a year the house has to vote whether or not to keep the current justices in power or to turn their Fates over to the American people.

  • I realized a long time ago that one of the fundamental flaws in our three tiered government system is that there is no check and balance on the supreme Court.

    If i, a not very bright person, can figure out that there is a gaping flaw in a system that is ripe for exploitation, then it makes sense that other people did as well.

    What we need is an addendum to the system to put a check on the supreme Court. A path by which should the supreme Court enact a law that is widely decryed as not being in tune with the American sense of justice that we can overrule them and possibly disbar them from a lifetime appointment on basis of judging to their own selfish interest rather than the interest of the American soul.

  • Roundup is not entirely safe for humans.

    It’s just the damages that it caused typically take several years to build up and accumulate, and the most likely things that will happen is it will cause endocrine disorders hormone disorders and greatly increase your risk for multiple types of cancer.