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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Trust me I fully understand.

    I went to med school, finished back in 2018.

    If I never step foot into a hospital again it’ll be too soon.

    I work from home now as a cloud engineer for a large US-based mortgage company.

    I’m very happy now. I’ve already made my piece that my $350,000 in loans can only be solved by making minimum payments for 20 years.

    All that being said, a lot of people are in a different boat than myself.

    Their loans are much more manageable and I’m really glad they’ll be able to pay them off because interest isn’t accruing.

    Who knows? I make enough now that I’m actually going to have to sit down and calculate whether it’s worth it to pay the loans off myself or just make minimum payments for 20 years and have the rest forgiven.

    The SAVE plan and interest no longer recruiting is the only reason these possibilities are there.

    Otherwise I’d have to resign myself to making 20 years of minimum payments and hoping that forgiveness plan is still in place.

  • You make it sound like I verbally abuse people for bad code.

    It’s famously difficult to implement your own time-based systems that also deal with timezones.

    Ya know, I’m fairly certain I wouldn’t want to work with someone like you either, who seems to jump to conclusions based on an off-hand comment I made that wasn’t meant to be particularly cynical.

    My main point of the previous comment is that it has nothing to do with JAVASCRIPT, just the developer on the other end. Drawn whatever conclusions you want from that assertion

  • I already mentioned I was wrong about the air travel. I looked up the numbers and edited my comment immediately.

    Yeah the trucks are a drop in the sea as well.

    But stop kidding yourself that the 90 semi trucks is nothing. It’s all pollution.

    What other tour and/or concert is slipping around 90 semi trucks??

    You bring up a good point that there are millions of semi trucks on the road. But that’s ridiculous to compare her 90 semi trucks to all the trucks on the road

    Let’s compare her to other touring artists. To be honest I don’t have the numbers off top of my head I’ll have to look him up. But I was reading an article the other day about how her tour is one of the largest productions to date.

    So no, her 90 trucks are not a huge part of the problem. That wording was wrong on my part. But among touring artist, she is easily one of the biggest polluters.

  • Quoting Taylor Swift is… an interesting choice when talking about climate changes.

    Didn’t her recent tour require 90+ semi trucks just to go from city to city? Not even going to mention all the emissions that result from whenever they have to travel by plane.

    Yes, popular music acts that tour are a HUGE part of the problem.

    Also, my bad I’m not tryna harp on you just because I recognized a song lyric. I’m a Taylor Swift fan myself. Well, more of a chiefs fan. And by value of the transitive property…

    Edit: also apparently all air travel only accounts for about 2% of emissions. So while my point isnt technically wrong it’s missing the forest for the trees

  • You are just putting words in my mouth now!

    I skimmed thru every comment I made in this thread just in case.

    I never called you a motherfucker. I said you suck and have out of date views.

    I only ever even started being rude after i shared an admittedly slightly off-topic meme and then you said something along the lines of “can’t you read?”. At that point I was like if this guy’s being rude I guess there’s no need to hold back.

    And last but not least, no I’m not virtue signaling. I would rent to someone who has tattoos.

    At the same time, no I wouldn’t rent to a gang member. No the two groups aren’t mutually exclusive. There is some overlap. But it’s just crazy to say “hmmm this guy has tattoos he might be a degenerate”. There’s so many more ways to ensure that you’re getting an honest renter.

    Like, maybe a credit check? I imagine a gang member would either have bad credit or no credit.

    I’m pretty sure it’s legal to do a background check as well. At the very least, it’s possible to include a clause in the lease that the renter has to pass a background check based on your specifications before the lease is valid.

    So, in summation:

    I am NOT virtue signaling. I think you’re being a dumbass and using stereotypes to exclude people. Why bother? Like seriously there’s economic and legal reasons to turn away potential rentors. I will never argue against that. That is your legal right as a landlord.

    The article that this post links to talks about a young man and his son getting kicked out his mom’s apartment soon due to zoning laws. We have gotten so far off the point originally talking about…