• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • This is the first time in my life I’ve seen dislike of the userbase of an another site called ‘xenophobia’.

    Especially weird since 90% of Lemmy is fresh off reddit themselves.

    Personally I just don’t want the shitty aspects of the reddit community seeping over here. It’s a fact that reddit userbase has been facebookised, to the degree where I frequently see people who are outright stupid (repeatedly posting threads to wrong subreddits, ignoring mod messages, unable to comprehend basic English… stuff that I’d expect to see on Facebook and not reddit), or focused on memes and quips to the point where any discussion is flooded with such moronic content. There’s still (at least) tens of thousands of people on reddit who I’m sure would be great contributors on Lemmy too if they decide to switch, and I hope they will. But I don’t want all of reddit here. Is that really so bad, to not want to look at unfiltered normie crap? Reddit was good (if it ever was good) precisely because it was a bit elitist in its design and its culture.

    We can’t argue about federation on the net, avoiding corporate control, or whatever while sticking our hand out and stopping people from joining.

    Maybe people can join somewhere else too? Make a Fediverse equivalent of Facebook/Instagram or something. Lemmy is not all of Fediverse and doesn’t have to be for everyone.

    Like half of your complaints are literally good things. Yes, people want to be heard and not practically hidden from 90% if they don’t get enough upvotes on their post/comment during the crucial early time frame, as on bigger reddit subs. Lemmy is not a social media platform anyway, its goal is not to facilitate socialisation among the users and it doesn’t need many millions of users to work well.

  • Human language change happens first of all because the reality that the language is meant to represent changes. I.e. you create a new thing, you create a new name for it too.

    ChatGPT does not intend to represent a reality when it uses a language. It does not even know of a reality outside of its language.

    Human language also changes due to various rather vague “economic” reasons, e.g. simplified pronunciation, merging sounds, developing some new habits in grammar that spread within one community but do not spread elsewhere… For example, we have extremely obvious proof that Latin developed into Italian, French, Spanish, Romanian, etc., so language change clearly isn’t some magical process. On the other hand, if you fed a ton of ancient Latin into ChatGPT, it wouldn’t even develop the pronunciation of medieval Latin used by priests, much less the totally different descendant languages that developed at the time.

  • So you understand the system very well, yet completely ignore the ethically dubious aspects of the system.

    People are not born desiring harmful garbage. They are, at least in part, taught, conditioned to desire it.

    When you say that a site “feeds you whatever you want”, you’re ignoring the chicken-or-the-egg pattern of desire and satisfaction on the market. The site teaches you want you want. Internet addiction and the ways in which contemporary media and tech affect your mind (most obviously by reducing people’s attention spans) are fairly well known today.

    Imagine a drug dealer who sells his garbage to the same person so much that they develop an addiction. With your logic, we can just blame the junkie who keeps returning to the dealer, while the dealer is pretty much innocent - surely it’s not his responsibility if someone else develops an addiction and destroys their life!

  • You can relativise things all you want, it’s a fact that online insanity does leak back into the reality. For example see Qanon, or Brenton Tarrant, who used to frequent 4chan and 8chan. Not to mention the more trivial things such as people openly agreeing with Andrew Tate, or becoming fans and voters of Donald Trump due to his online presence, etc.

    If you know people IRL that believe lgbt people shouldn’t exist, I guess I feel bad for you and who you associate with.

    Did you just spin this into a covert ad hominem? Nice job, but I don’t “associate” with every person whose views I hear espoused IRL.

    I don’t know anyone at all like that, not even close to that.

    Ok? But why assume that every community and society is exactly like yours? From your other comments I notice you’re from Canada, I hope you’re aware your political culture isn’t typical for the rest of the world, not even for the entire “west”.

    I don’t feel the need to defend the most extreme examples of dumb things you’ve read online that someone else posted.

    Right, so you didn’t have to claim such people and such extreme positions literally don’t exist - with caps lock, no less. I probably wouldn’t think of replying to you if you didn’t formulate it so categorically.

  • They’re already acting. The guillotine is now erased.

    They’re not touching the “fuck spez” signs, true. Still, remember that in the last edition there was a massive amogus cock extending across half the canvas throughout most of the event and it was eradicated by the end as well. So based on that I wouldn’t bet the “fuck spez”-s will survive either. (Not that their survival would mean anything…)

  • context: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bonnacon

    The first known description of the bonnacon comes from Pliny the Elder’s Naturalis Historia:

    There are reports of a wild animal in Paeonia called the bonasus, which has the mane of a horse, but in all other respects resembles a bull; its horns are curved back in such a manner as to be of no use for fighting, and it is said that because of this it saves itself by running away, meanwhile emitting a trail of dung that sometimes covers a distance of as much as three furlongs (604 meters or 1,980 feet), contact with which scorches pursuers like a sort of fire."