
For all your owl related needs!

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • I have a multi-community set up with a few of the anime communities since they were a little sparse until recently. I don’t comment too much there, as there I’m mostly a couple seasons behind and don’t want spoilers, I mainly go to see series announcements.

    I have a pretty wide range of shows I watch. I’m watching Frieren right now. Recently finished up with Ancient Magus Bride. Steins’ Gate might be my favorite more serious series, and Gintama is probably my favorite comedy. I haven’t watched much romance, but I really loved Fruits Basket and I recently read Insomniacs After School. Summertime Render was a good supernatural thriller. Golden Kamuy was a great historical fiction. Spy x Family has been very enjoyable, and I’m really enjoying the current arc in the manga about the lost love story between the school teachers at the beginning days of the war. I like the cute girls doing cute stuff stories like Yuru Camp, Super Cub, and Dairy of Our Days at the Breakwater.

    I’ll have to check out some of your recommendations, even if only to get a better idea of otome. Romancing men is not of particular interest, but you’ve got me intrigued on these storylines now. I do like the social interaction and relationship building parts of Persona more than most of the dungeon crawling, so it may be interesting to me to watch one of the series you mentioned.

    This is the stuff I come here for. There’s a lot of crap to wade through, even as small as Lemmy still is, but I like how someone like you has the space here to grab my intention and spread your enthusiasm for something I thought was definitely not for me. I know people have said similar to me too when I share things. I never intended to be a regular poster here, but it’s much more early internet community here where we can get to know each other better than on something huge like Reddit.

    I am tempted by kbin and mastodon, as I’d like to be able to follow people too. I’d definitely follow you and a few of my regular commenters. The Fediverse has its own issues, but I think it’s the best thing we’ve got right now.

  • I do comment on the politics threads a bit, but I try to limit it to providing sources of facts with a taste of opinion mixed in. I feel like I agree with even less of the Lemmy politics than with Reddit, so I’ll skim way more posts than I’ll interact with. Also, even with the owl stuff, there’s political crossover, where I get a bit angrier about loopholes in laws that destroy ecosystems and inaction to saving endangered animals.

    I’m a huge profile stalker! 😁 If it’s someone being potentially trolly, I’ll see if I want to respond to what they’re saying if they may just be uninformed. If it’s someone I like, I get curious what other things they’re interested in. I search for mentions of my sub and see who’s talking about it. I check on people that stopped commenting regularly just to see if they’re still on here. There’s just too much data to not poke through it.

    I ended up getting in a weird nerdy discussion about slasher movie lore yesterday that ended up being a lot of fun. I like browsing All for things like that.

    OMG I just read the plotline from Hatoful Boyfriend. That is crazy, especially the BBL part! From the description of the gameplay, it reminds me of the Persona series, just without the dungeon battles.

    My only knowledge of otome is seeing it referenced in anime. My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! is the only one I’ve watched and read the manga, and I’ve seen the male dating sims referenced in other ones. I never knew the plotlines really went that deep though.

  • Your document had a lot of great stuff in it I didn’t know!

    If no mortality occurred, one pair of rabbits and their offspring could give rise to 5 million rabbits over a 5-year period.

    That’s a lot of buns!

    They will also, if necessary, eat moth pupae and carrion.

    Moth pupae seems oddly specific. I wonder what are the circumstances for them eating bugs or carrion.

    Rabbits deposit about 250 to 500 green or brown fecal pellets per day

    I had a rabbit once, and it did make a lot of those things. I never thought anyone would have to sit there and chart them, but I suppose that’s important to know for someone. The lab intern must have gotten that responsibility…

    I don’t know much about otome games beyond the basics of what they are. All the kbin links just took me to error pages, but they do look to have crossed over to Beehaw. Reading some of these plot points with no context can be very interesting though! 😆

    I’ll have to check out those other communities you’ve mentioned. I do end up with other things to talk about and don’t always know where to take those conversations.

    I debate if I should post other, non-owl stuff under a different name, as I somewhat feel I don’t want to risk compromising the group if people don’t like other things I talk about, but that gets to be too much like this being a job, and I don’t think I’d like that. That’s also why I don’t just mod my own sub. I didn’t come here to work, I came here to nerd out.

  • I really got started here by posting the few owl pics from my travels that I had, but that wasn’t too many. I didn’t want to let the community die down again though.

    A lot of my interactions with owl have been by visiting wildlife rehabbers, as owls are typically very illegal to own or display without proper licensing. I wanted everyone else to have a chance to see an owl, so each day I looked at the licensing information for each state and found a rehabber to highlight, one open to the public at least a few days a year if possible, and featured one of their rescues that people could go see. I had a few people that had visited some of these places chime in, and a few learned there was a place near them where they could actually see an owl, and one person even signed up to work as a volunteer at one of the places I showed them.

    That all got me a lot of sources to pull new info from. They all share great photos, rescue stories, medical and rehab procedures, near behavioral stories, and so on. Whenever I learned something, I just shared it with the group. It made me curious about new things, so I went and read up on them. People asked questions in the comments, and I needed to learn answers to not leave them hanging. That got me curious about even more technical things, so I got into the scientific research papers.

    I’ve heard before that if you want to become an expert in something, just go around acting like you’re the expert. People will come to you with things and you’re going to want to answer them so you don’t look like some dope. But then after you answer them, that knowledge is yours forever. After more and more rounds of this, it starts to be more than an act.

    It helps that I love reading and research and that I value teaching. Knowledge is one of the most important things anyone can be given, so I’ve worked hard to learn how to explain things and to not make other people feel dumb for not knowing things. As I make myself smarter, that opens the door for me to pass new knowledge down as I become able to explain it to my audience. The primary audience for my stuff is me. No one pays me to do this, so I’m not burning myself out learning whatever. I learn what I want to learn, and as it amazes me, I share with you all, so I could do this forever.

    It’s fun for me, and I want it to be fun for you all. I try to make it so you can just look at pictures and be happy, or you can go to these places in person, you can sponsor your local rescue, or you can learn so many facts you want to be a volunteer or researcher or rehabber yourself. We all start somewhere. A few years ago, I never paid owls much mind. Now I know all kinds of anatomy and body functions and find them to be absolutely fascinating and diverse animals. We all just need that spark of curiosity.

    Here is a free research paper PDF I found you may like.

    It focuses on pet rabbits specifically. I wanted this one I saw on how interacting with owners affects rabbit welfare, but I couldn’t find a free copy. This one though has handling instructions, dietary guidance, medical examinations, anatomy, medical conditions, and housing requirements. There are technical terms, but the simplest way to approach it is to read a paragraph or section, google the terms you dont know, and then make a post explaining what you read while pretending you’re teaching it to some junior high kids. If you can do that, you have a good post that should teach people something new and interesting, because you found it new and interesting, and it’s something they probably don’t know because you didn’t know it, and you’ve spent more time on rabbits than most people will have spent on them. By aiming at a junior high-ish level, you’re speaking them them pretty much as you would to an adult, but being mindful to not use all these big words you just learned without explaining them. If you write stuff they don’t understand, they won’t read it. But if you share your delight at learning new things, they will catch that excitement too. Not always, but enough.

    The end of research papers always site sources as well. This one has over 40 references, and you can google them and some you will find free to read. Keep following the references and you’ll never run out of content.

    That’s my process that works for me. If you like it, steal the whole thing or any parts you think would be helpful. Everyone should always be learning, no matter what subject, and I like encouraging that.

    This is too long so I’m stopping now. 😅

    I’m always around, or check in on !fedigrow@lemm.ee where other creators hang out and discuss growing Lemmy and our communities for advice.

  • It’s fun to get a deeper dive into things more than just basic facts.

    The lead scientist that discovered owls can hunt using only their ears later went on to do more groundbreaking research on whale communication. It was interesting to learn about the test enclosures and the methods used to see how much vision vs hearing played into hunting. There were also some great stories about how training owls is as much fun as training cats.

    I’ve also read some papers on how other birds of prey hunt. They analyzed different vectors of attack and studied where the birds focus their eyes when they are attacking.

    Just lots of insights on anatomy and behavior in general like how they time extending their talons and the orientations of the toes to maximize catching prey.

    Even egg laying and hatching or growing feathers are all complex and amazing processes, and it’s a miracle all these things evolved to work the way they do.

    The amount I’ve learned about owls this past year is crazy, and I still come upon new things all the time.

  • Legally they do take people’s guns, and they only hate when people try to take away their guns.

    The NRA Supported Gun Control When the Black Panthers Had the Weapons History.com

    Throughout the late 1960s, the militant Black nationalist group used their understanding of the finer details of California’s gun laws to underscore their political statements about the subjugation of African-Americans. In 1967, 30 members of the Black Panthers protested on the steps of the California statehouse armed with .357 Magnums, 12-gauge shotguns and .45-caliber pistols and announced, “The time has come for Black people to arm themselves.”

    The display so frightened politicians—including California governor Ronald Reagan—that it helped to pass the Mulford Act, a state bill prohibiting the open carry of loaded firearms, along with an addendum prohibiting loaded firearms in the state Capitol. The 1967 bill took California down the path to having some of the strictest gun laws in America and helped jumpstart a surge of national gun control restrictions.

    “The law was part of a wave of laws that were passed in the late 1960s regulating guns, especially to target African-Americans,” says Adam Winkler, author of Gunfight: The Battle Over the Right to Bear Arms. “Including the Gun Control Act of 1968, which adopted new laws prohibiting certain people from owning guns, providing for beefed up licensing and inspections of gun dealers and restricting the importation of cheap Saturday night specials [pocket pistols] that were popular in some urban communities.”

    The Black Panthers were “innovators” in the way they viewed the Second Amendment at the time, says Winkler. Rather than focus on the idea of self-defense in the home, the Black Panthers brazenly took their weapons to the streets, where they felt the public—particularly African-Americans—needed protection from a corrupt government.

    “These ideas eventually infiltrated into the NRA to shape the modern gun debate,” explains Winker. As gun control laws swept the nation, the organization adopted a similar stance to that of the activist group they once fought to regulate, with support for open-carry laws and concealed weapon laws high on their agenda.

    Ironically, it was the gun control laws that were put into effect against African-Americans and the Black Panthers that led “rural white conservatives” across the country to fear any restriction of their own guns, Winkler says. In less than a decade, the NRA would go from backing gun control regulations to inhibit groups they felt threatened by to refusing to support any gun control legislation at all.

    Nice article, and worth it to read the whole thing. Double standards aren’t a new part of the game plan.

  • I do kinda wish !superbowl@lemmy.world had gone with something else, as I’m not much into the Reddit copycat stuff, and it confuses people longer than it entertains them, but it was established before I got here.

    I like to think it’s a bit different than the Reddit version as well. Much less memes and reposted stuff without context. I like to do longer form articles when I get the chance and people show interest. I’ve done some articles about owl anatomy and some ELI5 on some scientific journal articles. The Owl of the Year tournament ran for like 2-3 weeks in December and everyone had a blast with that, and I plan to do it again.

    If there’s anything specific you want to see or learn about, just let me know.

  • Your comment is the one most in line with my thought process.

    I thought he did just fine in the debate other than having the cold. I’ve defended him since then both here, and to people in my real life. I still think he may be the best president in my life (since first term Reagan), and I was hoping he had a great time at NATO and was going to crush this press conference.

    But while I was waiting for it to start, I saw the Putin flub. Then he comes out, sounds tired, sounds hoarse and keeps coughing, keeps pausing, keeps getting names wrong. We got creepy Whispery Joe again. It was so awkward and I felt so bad for him. He’s done a great job, but it looks time to throw in the towel on this campaign.

    I’m in an important state for presidential elections. If they keep him upright through November, he’s my guy. If they put in another Dem, I’m with them. But I’m disappointed now it seems too late for him to leave with dignity. He deserves a good legacy, but now he’s going to be Sleepy Joe, especially if he drags this out.

    What happened with RBG was a tragedy for me and the country, but this could be apocalyptic for our democracy. I’m so mad that a felon is the solid choice for near half the country. I can’t trust Biden to be our champion in this fight.

    To anyone that didn’t watch the conference, watch it. I don’t know how anyone in good conscience can say pressing him to continue is for the best.

  • To try and be helpful to you and others not as aware, here is some light reading.

    AP: A conservative leading the pro-Trump Project 2025 suggests there will be a new American Revolution

    Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts made the comments Tuesday on Steve Bannon’s “War Room” podcast, adding that Republicans are “in the process of taking this country back.”

    “And so I come full circle on this response and just want to encourage you with some substance that we are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.

    Roberts’ remarks shed light on how a group that promises to have significant influence over a possible second term for former President Donald Trump is thinking about this moment in American politics. The Heritage Foundation is spearheading Project 2025, a sweeping road map for a new GOP administration that includes plans for dismantling aspects of the federal government and ousting thousands of civil servants in favor of Trump loyalists who will carry out a hard-right agenda without complaint.

    And here is some background of the past cooperation between Trump and the Heritage Foundation, as of their review of their shared agenda as of 2018. I selected something from back in his time as president to show actual cooperation with their agenda.

    Heritage.org: Trump Administration Embraces Heritage Foundation Policy Recommendations

    Over the past several months, Heritage’s executive branch relations staff reviewed the 334 policy recommendations and met with senior administration officials in the several agencies. Heritage analysts briefed administration officials on the recommendations, provided additional insight and information, and advocated for reform.

    Examples of some of the most notable policy recommendations and their adoption or implementation by the Trump administration include:

    • Leaving the Paris Climate Accord: In August 2017, Trump announced the U.S. was ending its funding and membership in the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.
    • Repealing Net Neutrality: In December 2017, Trump’s Federal Communications Commission chairman proposed ending the 2015 network neutrality rules.
    • Reshaping National Monuments: Heritage’s recommendation to prohibit Land Acquisition (Cap and Reduce the Size of the Federal Estate) was adopted by Trump when he issued two executive orders effectively shrinking the size of national monuments in Utah.
    • Reinstating the Mexico City Policy: This executive order prevents taxpayer money from funding international groups involved in abortion and ending funding to the United Nations Population fund. On Jan. 23, 2017, in his first pro-life action, Trump signed an executive order today reinstating the Mexico City Policy.
    • Increasing Military Spending: Trump’s budget calls for a $54 billion increase in military spending to improve capacity, capability, and readiness of America’s armed forces.
    • Reforming Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program (TANF): The Trump administration adopted and is in favor of strengthening existing work requirements in order to receive benefits.
    • Allowing Development of Natural Resources: The Trump administration opened off-shore drilling and on federal lands. Executive Order 13783 directed Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke to commence federal land coal leasing activities.
    • Reforming Government Agencies: Trump tasked each of his Cabinet secretaries to prepare detailed plans on how they propose to reduce the scope and size of their respective departments while streamlining services and ensuring each department runs more efficiently and handles tax dollars appropriately.
    • Withdrawing from UNESCO: In October 2017, Trump announced he was putting an end to U.S. membership in the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

    I recommend reading both those full short articles and using that as a jumping off point for further reading into points most relevant to you and your ideological goals. I hope that is helpful to you and anyone else.

  • Exactly, I posted this article in a comment above:

    Guardian, 2008: Fatigue and racism threaten to knock Obama bandwagon off the road

    Barack Obama was showing signs of campaign fatigue. Sitting on a picnic bench in a park on Pagoda Street, Indianapolis, in discussion with a group of 30 supporters, he told a story about the “modest” background of himself and his wife, Michelle. And 10 minutes later, seemingly having forgotten, he told them it all again.

    It is hardly surprising, given that he has been on the road almost non-stop since Christmas, battling Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination. In recent weeks, he has often seemed absent-minded, forgetting the names of the towns he is in.

    Tiredness is the least of Obama’s problems. After a relatively smooth and well-planned march towards the Oval Office, his campaign is facing its greatest crisis. “He is in the middle of a shit storm,” one of the journalists travelling with him said.

    Obama handled his 2 terms fine after that. He was as beat down by the campaign as Biden and he was almost 40 years younger!

  • Thank you! It drives me nuts that this isn’t the key takeaway in every post and article I see. On one hand we an amped up old man who would sell out his family for a dollar, let alone the rest of us who is friends with dictators and thinks they’re really sharp people with good ideas, and is also a convicted felon who surrounds himself with other current or future convicted felons, and has been saying for years he wants to imprison or hurt his critics. On the other hand, we have a barely older, regular old man who at least has good intentions, hires competent people, and who makes mistakes but admits to them and learns from it, who happens to be very stereotypically old man. How people are making this an apples to apples comparison is insane.

    This behavior with Joe didn’t start at the debate. It’s the same Joe we’ve had for years. And this isn’t new, even for people younger than Biden is.

    Guardian, 2008: Fatigue and racism threaten to knock Obama bandwagon off the road

    Barack Obama was showing signs of campaign fatigue. Sitting on a picnic bench in a park on Pagoda Street, Indianapolis, in discussion with a group of 30 supporters, he told a story about the “modest” background of himself and his wife, Michelle. And 10 minutes later, seemingly having forgotten, he told them it all again.

    It is hardly surprising, given that he has been on the road almost non-stop since Christmas, battling Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination. In recent weeks, he has often seemed absent-minded, forgetting the names of the towns he is in.

    Tiredness is the least of Obama’s problems. After a relatively smooth and well-planned march towards the Oval Office, his campaign is facing its greatest crisis. “He is in the middle of a shit storm,” one of the journalists travelling with him said.

  • Absolutely with you on the horrible treatment of immigrants in general. It feels like we should give the Statue of Liberty back to France if it means nothing to us anymore. It is really vile, especially with so many acting like this is a Christian nation when they uphold none of the values, especially concerning how to treat those less fortunate. We became a great nation by accepting everyone and letting them have a chance to prosper, and I don’t feel that magically changed in my lifetime.

    My understanding is much of the Ukraine aid is not literal money, but rather donations of obsolete military supplies, like old planes and old ammo reserves, so it’s money that has been spent decades ago, and instead of scrapping it, we send it to them to do their semi-proxy war for us. I feel this is a much more honorable fight against Russia than the Red Scare things of yesteryear, but I’m not old enough to have first hand perspective on it. I know I don’t like what I do see of the Putin regime though.

    I’m middle class, white, and CIS, so no president affects me that much, but many of my friends aren’t in the same situation, plus I have empathy, so even if I can’t relate to people, I still want the maximum net benefit for them.

    Most of us probably aren’t old enough to have much experience with traditional limited presidential power, so it seems like the president should have more to do with laws and the economy, etc, but they really shouldn’t be involved in that stuff. The economy belongs to the Fed Reserve, because they’re supposed to be experts. Congress is supposed to make laws. With Congress rapidly swinging between who controls it or such tight voting margins, it’s no wonder we don’t see meaningful change. It makes it hard to go full no-compromise when that compromise is mandatory and sabatogey by nature. The polarization sucks, but it’s there until we fix that.

    I think Trump is a criminal that should be locked up, and while I’m not tickled pink by Biden, he’s done less bad things than anybody other president in my life I can think of, as sad as that is.

  • War with Russia and the Middle East has been going on in hot or cold form for 80 years thanks to dying imperial dreams of old men from back then. These conflicts are still going on from back then with people thinking you can just draw arbitrary borders on a map and call it a day. Ask the people that started these fires are dead to my knowledge. It’s just one of the biggest issues that’s been passed down in our lifetimes. Our equal contribution to the future will be the environment.

    I don’t agree with Russia on the Crimean situation, and there are global consequences to how this conflict plays out. I don’t think any first world country isn’t interested in how this turns out, and Russia’s allies aren’t really any better to me. I think we have a responsibility to protect Ukrainian soverenty, but we also can only do so much if we don’t wish to become active combatants.

    I don’t think a 5-10% difference is what we’d see between the 2 candidates on environmental issues. One is actively trying to sell off our country to fossil fuel interests and prefers concrete and steel to anything green or blue. Also the lack of any water conservation is going to be a bigger and bigger issue.

    When we talk other issues where there opinions are closer, a number of 5 to 10 point positives adds up when we’re looking across the board. Especially people more immediately affected by those issues. The poor, the LGBT, migrants, environmentalists, women, and non-Christians off the top of my head will all be much better off without Trump and company.

    I do agree about mass climate exodus. Not so much about the wars. Not in an active hot war way. Trump wants to befriend them, all but the Middle East anyway, and Biden and them Dems don’t come off hawkish to me.

    I’m not ready to pick the nihlism of an RFK vote yet. I get the desire a little bit. Presidential choices have sucked for a long time now. But I’m not ready to make things worse yet on purpose. We still have time to stop fascism before we’re in to deep and I’ll do that as long as I can.

  • I checked out BtB due to constant weird if mouth on Reddit and immediately enjoyed Robert’s personality. There were also a lot of Cody and Paul F. Tompkins episodes at the time, and I was also already a fan of them, so that helped as well.

    I so want to like Some More News, but it feels to doomy to me and Cody’s stage persona is a bit much for me, so I enjoy him better as regular Cody on BtB more.

    I also feel the more before I was born stuff that BtB usually focuses on us easier for me to deal with as most of the people are long dead and gone, so it feels more like entertainment. For more current things, I try to stick to “legitimate news” instead of things designed more for entertainment. ICHH is an exception because it covers a lot mainstream news wouldn’t touch, and it does it pretty calmly and treats it with seriousness moreso than trying to make it into some kind of bit. Plus they often mention ways to participate or to at least try and help with some of the things. I feel the topics are things important to know, and aren’t just things that make me depressed about the whole world.

    Hood Politics with Prop is probably the next one I may allow myself to get into.