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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023

  • I remember this working really well on google. Recently (several months?) it didn’t as I would expect. Fictional example: when searching for “asdf123” google would show results just containing ‘asdf’. One particular thing I noticed was that google seems to omit underscores from verbatim strings. So for example when searching for “asdf_qwertz” it would show results that contained asdf and qwertz without the underscore.

  • I don’t dehumanize anybody.

    In this thread you seem to be, because I’m the only party criticizing it. And if you had read what I wrote that should be pretty clear to you.

    I just correctly recognize the threat that bigotry poses to society, especially if allowed to grow and gain power.

    Not in this thread. Maybe you generally do, but I don’t see any shred of elaboration on that here.

    That threat is very much human and we can never allow ourselves to forget that.

    Like dehumanizing is a very (negative) human trait. Which I layed out and critisized in detail in my comment you opted not to read after the first line.

    Evil tends to be very banal.

    As in “Nazis are not humans” or “violence against Nazis is OK”? Spoiler alert: That’s dehumanization in action. And that’s what I’m criticizing.

  • No we, are not. Because you use Nazi colloquially as a slur for people right of you who you don’t agree with. I use Nazi correctly to refer to NSDAP members. As you want Nazis dead, I can reassure you, because 99.999% are. The literal hand full of Nazis still living is 97+ years old.

    It should be abundently clear from what I wrote, that I’m critizing dehumanizing generally and without exception.

    Fuck █████ and only good one is a dead one. Punch a █████ in the face.

    Fill in the blanks randomly and see what’s wrong with it. My point is, it’s always wrong. I’m not defending Nazi-ideology or neo-Nazis (I am very opposed to both), I’m critisizing you and others for participating in dehumanization. And I’m pointing out, that your way of talking about them is ironic (and tragic), because dehumanization was a core part of Nazi ideology and strategy.

    Fyi: My quote of you with the blanks would be considered a call for violence and Volksverhetzung (hard to translate, but “incitement of the people” comes closest) in Germany. There just was a public case where leftists were convicted because their extreme words were followed by extreme actions.

    And I’d really like to know, what you think the implementation of “Fuck Nazis and only good one is a dead one” could, would, or should be!? Hunt them down like animals? Just every citizen shooting them on sight? Putting them in concentration camps and create some Endlösung (final solution ⟶ gas chamber)?

  • I’m not going to join your ride on the slippery slope of dehumanization. You need to get to grips with the reallity that your rosy fiction of what humans should be is not what humans are. Your jump to dehumanization is a perfect illustration of a not so nice human trait that enabled some of the most horrible episodes of human history. Be better than that.