YuccaMan [he/him]

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: May 20th, 2022


  • Jesus Christ, how embarrassing. This kind of behavior is so baffling to me. I’ve been verging on poor for a good bit of my life, and I’ve earned money by working with my hands more often than not (and thank fucking god I’m not doing that anymore for the foreseeable future.) If I had Tim Pool’s money, nobody would ever see my happy ass again.

    At any rate, yeah, I never could get a grip on it. Never got a handle on roller blades either. Got pretty good with four-wheelers though lol

    I’ve always been crap at sports in general, even things that I should’ve logically been good at, like wrestling (I’m a large lad.) I don’t know if it’s the ADHD or what, but not being able to get good at something right away often leads me to quit from sheer embarrassment.

  • My BOY how is that not better than sleeping on a piece of cardboard on the sidewalk??

    Anyhow, what, is every single home in China a flimsy shack? Can you dredge up one single solitary study on what percentage of homes in China are of substandard construction? Can you do any goddamned thing but regurgitate half-remembered unsubstantiated talking points from youtube from lord knows how long ago?

    If you can, have it. Give us a source and we’ll have a talk about it. Otherwise, shut the FUCK up

  • You’d have a point there, if there wasn’t ample photographic evidence which also suggests that no concerted massacre took place, in the square or elsewhere. All available photographic evidence that I’ve seen supports the Chinese government’s version of events: scattered street clashes which unfortunately featured some quite heavy duty violence, but no mass formation of tanks coming in and deliberately schwacking everybody in sight.