Located on Deck 6, Room 2054. Mass evacuation site for decks 5-10.

I’m someone’s favorite.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 19th, 2023


  • I love seeing prison photos from other countries that show how well prisoners can be treated while still being in prison. Countries with extremely low recidivism.

    And there are plenty of people I know who would see that and balk, because “that’s being too soft”

    I’ve had people insist that stronger punishment over rehabilitation is what you need, and ignore my bringing up that there’s decades and decades of data that shows otherwise.

    At best, the harsh punishments serve as a deterrent to other people doing similar things that might result in similar punishment, but that just creates new and sneaker crimes and criminals. It’s better to rehabilitate, help people turn their poor choices around, and eliminate the cause of the problems that led to the crime in the first place.

    But that’s “too much work” so might as well not even try, right? As we all know, the light bulb famously was invented on the first couple tries.

  • I’d rather he rots in a state jail for the rest of his life, and give him the same standard of care as every other inmate. No special treatment. If he needs to be put in solitary “for his own protection” then so be it. It’s the system people like him loves to protect.

    To be clear, I think the US treatment of prisoners is inhumane and bordering on criminal (and all too often crossing said border) and the whole penal system needs drastic change and made entirely nonprofit, and the constitution needs another Ammendment because the 13th was a mistake.

    But that’s not the world we live in, and the people who crafted this world should be forced to live in it.

  • Anecdote time!

    I was once semi-surrounded by coyotes while hiking in some back country with a friend.

    I did not have anything except my camping knives and a very small axe for splitting kindling.

    My buddy had a compact 9mm in his waistband.

    Honestly, I can say an AR would not have made me feel safer. A larger capacity on my sidearm, on the other hand, would. The AR is just too bulky to move quickly in close quarters.

    Luckily a single round to the trailside was enough to scare them off, since yelling and throwing things wasn’t. We then ran/sprinted a few miles down the trail toward the vehicle before we even considered slowing down.

    Not many situations in which either one is something I’m desiring though, and while I’m not a fan of limiting people, I can’t say I’ve ever needed 30rds at once. Honestly, I buy 10rd mags just because they fit very nicely in some cases I already had, and the 30rds don’t.

    Rambling anecdotes over, have a nice day!

  • It’s a little more obvious when you don’t live near anyone, and they have to come down dirty country roads to park across from your property on a DWP service road, and pull out binoculars.

    I used to grab my own, and wave at them energetically like I was excited to see them if I had to go somewhere.

    A lot of people from my area who went out to escorts clinic-goers got the same treatment.

    Nobody ever got stopped, but the moment you were seen doing nefarious things like protecting women seeking Healthcare from harassment or worse, you could expect a police tail within 5 minutes of getting behind the wheel, and cops slowly driving by your house at all hours.

  • You try to say here you shouldn’t need to talk about specifics “because we all know…” but in other comments you backpedal and say you’re dumbing it down for others.

    So which is it?

    I think you just hit “reply” before your brain caught up with your fingers and heart.

    Given your demeanor, I’d say you still have awhile to go before you exit “childhood” regardless of what your ID says. Keep going with the baseless personal attacks, surely you’re one more comment away from changing my mind?

    Have a good one I guess. Keep being angry and responding to everyone calling you out, it’s going well for everyone involved.

  • more accurate and can shoot faster


    Go on, you started out so strong.

    It IS more accurate and shoots faster than a gun that’s less accurate and shoots slower.

    Beyond that, you haven’t said anything about it, and you’ve not only just clearly shown you can’t be objective when talking about them, you’ve given just… So much bullshit and called it “information”

    Bullets going faster doesn’t mean more damage, or more accuracy. It can mean more penetration into things, but that’s not a given.

    It has never been banned in any meaningful way country-wide

    It has been the front and center firearm of every shooters arsenal on the news whether it was used in the shooting or not, specifically because it cosmetically looks like a military rifle. In fact the most common used things aren’t even rifles, but handguns.

    Functionally it’s no different than several other firearms, some of which even shoot the exact same round, but nobody focuses on those because they look like a hunting rifle.

    This country needs mountains of reform, including tons of changes to gun control, but what you are doing is not helping that goal in any way.

    Be better.

  • This is the one thing that blows my mind with all the “voting doesn’t matter” folks…

    If it didn’t matter, then why do so many people try to limit who can vote, how you vote, when you vote, who is allowed to be voted on, where you can vote, your voting rights in general, or just plain outright trying to stop you from voting altogether.

    And the people going around parroting that voting doesn’t matter are either accomplices who also want to prevent you from voting, or USEFUL IDIOTS who genuinely are too dumb to realize that voting does in fact work. (also people who say voting doesn’t matter have clearly never voted in a local election)