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Cake day: August 3rd, 2023

  • Torvum@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldCoincidence?
    8 months ago

    Yeah, kinda the entire state of discourse and why anyone not terminally online hates talking about anything in proximity of political or controversial. The only people you see blow up in attention are those so derogatory, shameless, and degenerate who are well passed caring about social consideration and manners in debate or conversation. It’s literally just about the concept of ratio and “I have more invisible people giving me gratification than you”. Social media gave birth to the concept that anyone can be important for long enough to get high on the feeling, and it’s fucking dismal for a functional society.

    I fear you’re going to see gen alpha kids, who are consuming this at a rate far greater than any previous generation, will become just braindead. I’ve already seen it where a lot of 11-13 year old kids I know still act like they’re 6 and parrot memetic shit that has no meaning beyond just being something repeated to them during their parental granted 6 hours of screentime.

  • Torvum@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldSome positivity for your day!
    10 months ago

    There’s more wealth being transferred in circulation than ever before

    There’s more food being produced than ever before

    Your points are invalid without the context we need better regulation and methods to prevent collapse and waste. We’re literally outgrowing by production over our knowledge.

  • I would recommend looking more into it. Libertarianism at its actual fundamental, and not the heavily skewed incorrectly labeled types being seen here, is about freedom of the individual from oppression of tyranny and inefficient bureaucracy. The ability to live your life without determined rules set forth by a governing body that has long forgotten the plight of the common man.

    You can even take two seconds to look at Wikipedia for the aggregated definition and see it’s about liberty and personal autonomy. Often you’ll hear, I don’t agree with what you say but I’ll die for your right to say it. Libertarians don’t have to personally accept what you do, but they fundamentally believe the state should not interfere with it.

    This is why rule of law and cosmopolitanism are such fundamental values, as if the state is not allowed encroachments on personal liberty, it’s left to the citizenry to use the free market of ideas in determining what is acceptable or not.

    Ancaps are an entirely different breed and are extremist in their views. Conflating them is like conflating a Tankie with a Social Democrat.

  • We try and then it’s taken over by corrupt lazy union bosses that don’t actually help or the company just fires you under an at will employment lie and hires scabs. The government has essentially been infiltrated by corporate American to pass legislation allowing them to break unions easier. Lobbying is our problem, not the lack of unions atm.

    Over half of Congress would be indicted on corruption if we really gave a shit about threats to our society like the current political theatre claims.

  • It’s my opinion that thematic messages presented now are overt, with little nuance, and hold the same level of failure to look inward biases you claim. There is no discussion to be had when you hold a meeting with strawmen.

    Great writers and media of the past were lauded for holding something that is presented as a moral evil up to caliber in logic and presentation. Taking a threat seriously so to speak. Look at an instance like Metal Gear, where despite the intent and presentation saying warmongering is bad, the writers still had the wherewithal to gauge a reasonable position you’d face fighting that ideology. You aren’t meant to agree with Zero or the Patriots or BB. But you can see and understand their logic to lead these actions.

    What is this but taking a child’s doll and using it to spew word vomit level rhetoric that focuses on buzzwords and failed symbolism than actually addressing anything core to the point. If you want to make some preaching movie do it. But when you market your film as a lighthearted romp of self discovery involving an inanimate object, don’t be shocked when people push back.