Killing me softly with his dumbassness
Killing me softly with his dumbassness
I’d eat that. (Yes, I’m a Midwesterner, how did you guess?)
I’m sure you’re correct, but I’m amusing myself with believing it’s some kind of phrenology shibboleth theory where they think only African American people are capable of saying the soft R.
Imagining myself as a 5th columnist is very funny, so thanks for that mood booster I guess
Plan? I don’t have a plan. I’m just a dummy on the internet, seeing death and destruction on the horizon for a whole lot of people. Again:
They have nukes and I fully believe they’re bloodthirsty enough to launch them.
On the one hand, I agree that someone has to stop Israel from continuing to genocide the Palestinians because they’re not going to stop themselves. On the other hand, I have very little hope that a regional war will actually make things better
Rolling ever closer to a wider regional war
I can’t put into words how much of a mindfuck it was to grow up and realize that the church in America tends to not actually do/believe in all the kind, generous, forbearing things I’d been taught as a child. It really spun my head around, and did the same for my childhood friends I’m still close to. I was so incredibly lucky to have people to go on that journey with, I know for others it’s very lonely.
I’d probably laugh too hard and accidentally kill myself if that happened
the motive remains unclear
I’m not sure how to articulate what I’m thinking about this. It’s very human to ask why? when something horrific happens, so I’m not blaming anyone for wondering what on earth the motive was. But at the same time, no attempt at an explanation is going to satisfy. There’s just no explanation for something like this.
Unfathomable. How does someone decide to stab little children?
Quite possibly the best use of “latest fad” we’ve ever seen from Kelly
I don’ t know if I’ve told you this before, but I love this bit. Your commitment is unparalleled.
I mostly agree, but sometimes they have the perfect level of drama, like that scene in Casablanca