I feel like we’re at a point where we’ve got to recognize and acknowledge that a country whose government implements laws at the behest of multi-million dollar corporations, due to those corporations buying the politicians that lobby for them, and in which the only laws that get past are the ones desired by multi-million dollar corporations is no longer a capitalistic country, but an oligarchy.
We still say we’re capitalistic country, but the distinction is one in which a country by and large is governed by a small group of people/business Executives (oligarchy), from one in which there is a separation of power between the government and the corporations that do business in it (capitalist).
Our legal system is so heavily influenced by the whims of corporations as to be the former. When citizens are unable to have politicians implement laws that serve the interest of the working-class people, because corporations wield such influence over our lawmakers as to block working-class citizens from effecting change, and only having policies implemented that financially benefit corporations, then we are no longer a capitalistic society. We are an oligarchy plain and simple.
Our University is a cosmic machine that has been running for billions of years, and as an IT guy reboots a computer when it’s been running for too long and has problems, will inevitably implode on itself and tear itself apart, which is the equivalent of God turning it off and on again.