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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 30th, 2024


  • I disagree that it’s because of ‘‘shoved’’ or overt politics. It’s just God awful writing and a terrible idea for a ST show. They made it a chronological story about one protagonist. There’s consistent bridge crew we don’t even know their names, their character or story, or even get to hear them talk besides ‘‘there’s a [thing] captain!’’ Type of shit.

    No ensemble stories, no stand alone stories, and very close to no science fiction at all. It’s all just trying to give you high stakes action scenes with close to nothing else happening.

  • But also he was super into minority species representation, organized a whole group of Ferangi friends and foes to do a military/covert mission just so he could prove they weren’t the stereotype other species considered them. He also took down a Klingon warrior to give his interspecies wife direct control over her own estate and wealth, and had a sex change to manipulate the cultural norms of his species to fight the patriarchy at the behest of his mother, who already legally created equal rights for women with cunning and soft power.

    Also he wore eyeshadow and painted his nails, and was the first feramgi to allow a work force to unionize, and scolded 1950s humans for smoking and irradiating their planet. All in all, he was still pretty woke.

  • So cool. You sure showed me. I’ll never be against the exact same shit you’re against again!

    Hay, can I still be against racism? I’m not white, but I’ve only been the victim of racism a few dozen times, so… maybe I need to just check with you first, I wouldn’t want to express how much I hate racism if you don’t approve of how frequently I’ve been upset by it, and that’s what matters, not solidarity with other anti-racists or confronting racistism. Just the frequency.

  • She want taught an existing form of sign language, she was taught a never explained version of signing, which only the people who worked with her knew, and this was never documented in any scientific way for peer review, and the results weren’t reproducable with other gorilla’s or other researchers.

    Best case scenarios, the humans involved anthropomorphized the gorilla, and thought they were communicating on a level much higher than they were actually communicating on, do to this.

    Worst case, there were lying knowingly, and this was some sort of scam for money.

  • You don’t care that I am against the behavior in every case, that I acknowledged women are targets by misogynists and sexists, or that I’ve agreed it’s a lesser problem for me.

    You don’t care about any of that.

    You care about playing some childish game where this is a competition on who is treated worse with what frequency so you can scold me for daring to point out the shitty behavior also effects me.

    That’s not honest. That’s being an asshole.