• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • If you talk to people about homelessness, they will readily admit they just don’t want to see it. If go to any cheaper grocery store you definitely are rubbing shoulders with people who use foodbanks. Food insecurity doesn’t go away just because you have a roof over your head.

    The rub is a foodbank in a grocery store will attract the more visible “unreliable access to showers” type of user, which would be unacceptable.

  • If you are interested in this, also check out Robert Reich’s course Wealth & Poverty, which until his recent retirement he taught at Berkley. He’s probably best known for being Clinton’s secretary of labor, so not just someone who’s only taught at universities.

    His course goes more into the incentives built into the economy do not merely encourage but effectively require this sort of behavior, among other topics. A key takeaway that resonated with me is the observation that there have always been greedy, bad actors in the economy armed with too much power. It is wrong to simply blame individual companies, or their boards - though don’t let them off the hook either.

    If at nothing else, it’s one of the few investigations of the intersection between economics and power that I’ve found, and an important subject that otherwise doesn’t fit into any particular silo.

  • Buddy if you are waiting for a Sign, this is it. It’ll never get more concrete than this message I’m typing for you right now. Having a lot of doubts is common. It wasn’t truly real for me until I started medication.

    My broad advice is to find a good psychiatrist (and don’t be afraid to switch if you aren’t happy) and dig as deep as possible for evidence both for and against. Go in with confidence that you have ADHD symptoms, but keep an open mind since there are alternative explanations. A diagnosis of “no you don’t have ADHD it’s actually ____” is also important information to know, and you will regret letting it drag out if you do have ADHD.

  • I’m curious what you would change about (Western?) society to make ADHD manageable like it apparently already is in “many countries,” in concrete well defined terms. Not sure how society could negate the emotional regulation issues that frequently come with ADHD. I would also emphasize there’s a distinction between “a society where people with ADHD can function” and “a society perfectly suited for people with ADHD.”

    I’m sensing that ADHD is a label thrust upon you, and if you feel you function fine without any sort of treatment it’s probably not accurate. It’s also now occurring to me how hilariously easy it would be to troll any sort of mental health issue. Depression isn’t a disorder it’s just SADNESS coming from MODERN SOCIETY and we just need to uncheck the CAUSE DEPRESSION box in society’s configuration.

  • Anyone more first hand familiar with the politics of Chino Valley? At a glance, it’s a solidly blue district and not where I’d expect this sort of culture war grand standing. Feels like an artifact of the weird nature of school boards where usually sleepy off year elections sometimes explode and elect crazies who have a small dedicated groups of voters.

    Mrs. Shaw received 51.58 percent of the votes (5,190) and Mrs. Gagnier received 48.42 percent (4,873).

    Not to be not alarmed, but seems more like an aberration. There’s a good reason why school board candidates tend to run on this:

    Mrs. Shaw, who campaigned on parental rights, said her goals include getting the school district back to the basics with reading, writing, and math, teaching age-appropriate curriculum, and ensuring transparency with parents.

    And not culture war nonsense. I feel like Cruz and Na have likely avoided too much attention, but tying themselves to a kook who is turning school board meetings into a circus with national attention is a bad strategy going into an on-cycle election in a blue district. Unless they don’t want their seats, then maybe it’s a great strategy.

  • The layoff includes Mary Kirby, who’s been a core writer in the Dragon Age franchise since the first game. Saw takes that the layoffs are just eliminating multiplayer positions, but that’s not true.

    I’ve long suspected that Dreadwolf will make or break BioWare. Since it’s following the same script as Andromeda and Anthem - endless delays, no public progress just lots of b-roll and concept art - I don’t think development is going well. ME: Legacy might have bought BioWare some breathing room but I can’t interpret this as anything other than death throes for the studio.

    BioWare is dead, long live Larian and Spiders?

  • I kinda hate to be like this, but if you are in a tech position, past the early entry level nonsense, and not making six figures (in the US) then you need to be job hunting.

    I don’t know if any particular certification will get you there, but IT remains a great practical field to be in. Don’t make any sort of “I’m just in this for the money” apologies.

  • Embrace, extend, and extinguish (EEE) - We don’t think they can. If anyone can explain how they technically would, please let us know. Even if Meta forks Lemmy and gets rid of the original software, Lemmy will survive.

    It doesn’t start out with maliciousness. The rank and file technical staff at Facebook aren’t evil. Facebook understands the value of top tier tech talent and top dollar buys you smart people.

    The initial federation is rough, but the problems are resolved surprisingly quick. None of the doom and gloom comes to pass, and Facebook consistently acts as a trustworthy actor. Their employees aren’t really different than their open source counterparts. They make good faith contributions to open source codebases. Their collective experience with distributed systems proves useful in solving growing pains as the Federation grows.

    They eventually start to make proposals to ActivityPub. There’s outrage but no one can come up with good technical objections, so they are approved. The doom and gloom didn’t come to pass, and looks like it never will.

    Facebook doesn’t need malicious intent for what’s going down. It slowly, maybe quickly, becomes the dominate actor in the space. Facebook is pouring money into making Threads the best it can be, and what’s wrong with them trying to build an audience?

    Thread’s improvements set an increasingly high standard for what people expect. More uptime, cleaner UI, more responsive API calls, more personalized frontpage algorithms, higher resolution videos - more and more features. More and more cost. Even people who kneejerk reject Facebook recognize how much better their site is. There are still important reasons to go with Lemmy or Kbin over Threads, but FOSS projects have never been good at making their case in ways random-not-technical people can understand, let alone why they should care about them.

    After a while, Facebook starts walling people into their platform. Starts with little things like how Reddit added video and picture hosting to replace Imgur et al. It’s not malicious, but rather from TPMs who are under pressure to increase engagement. After a while what else is there? Just don’t turn the heat up too many degrees at once.

    It’s wrong to think of Facebook as a uniquely bad actor. This isn’t 90s/2000s Microsoft with blatantly transparent EEE aims. There have always been bad actors. There will always be bad actors. There are bad actors with us right now.

    Facebook needs to make money, and they won’t do so by directly charging users. There’s only one path forward for Facebook in this, and it will come at the expense of its users and everyone else in the Fediverse.

    Build something useful, then put up walls around it, and then exploit it for profit; the internet’s monomyth. You don’t have to read the writing on the wall, but it is there. Federating with Threads is signing your own death warrant.

    If the Fediverse experiment is going to survive, it needs to be able to withstand these bad actors. One of the ways it can do so is to recognize and reject them. Facebook has so many resources and so much power and we don’t have to run the experiment to know where this will go. It is important to explicitly say “your goals do not align with what we are trying to build, and therefore we will not voluntarily interact with you.”

  • I don’t have a medical background, but my suspicion is the process of formulating a thought, deciding what meaning you want to convey, and then settling on what words accomplish that is far more complicated and delicate than we give it credit for. I suspect any sort of issue can wreck the whole process, which might explain why really good communicators are so rare.

    For myself, ADHD medication really helps slow my brain down and thinking things through before opening my mouth. Turns out that’s an important part in (properly) verbalizing thoughts.