• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023

  • I don’t really subscribe to the whole if civilization collaspes there will be no technology in anyone’s lifetime again thing. You aren’t going to go back to ordering shit off amazon from your smartphone or anything. However the knowledge that things like refrigeration, radio transmission, internal combustion engines, water treatment and such are possible is going to drive people to eventually find out how to get it by any means necessary.

    How quickly this happens is a question of whether the majority of people adopt a “technology is too dangerous/a sin against God” idealogy or not.

  • I was just joking kind of. I am a struggling computer engineering student always looking for ways to use my skills to earn a little extra income. What type of system compatibility would you need? Arduino compatible serial? Vintage AT motherboards? Some other thing like maybe a commander x16? If people really would be willing to buy homebrew graphics cards like that maybe I’ll look into it.

  • Uuh I was planning on scamming people by making low quality anvils but this works too.

    You can also make copies of Ben Eater’s “world’s worst video card”, put it on a pcb with an isa slot and wait for goobers to buy them on ebay. As long as it can actually output video you don’t have to accept returns.

  • If you get just the right gguf model (read the description when you download them to get the right K-optimization or whatever it’s called) and actually use multithreading (llamacpp supports multithreading so in theory gpt4all should too), then it’s reasonably fast. I’ve achieved roughly half the speed of ChatGPT just on an 8 core amd fx with ddr3 ram. Even 20b models can be usably fast.

  • This probably isn’t very helpful but the best way I’ve found to make an ai write an entire book is still a lot of work. You have to make it write it in sections, pay attention to the prompts based on what’s happening and spend a lot of time copy pasting the good sentences into a better quality section and then use those blocks of text to create chapters. You’re basically plagiarizing a document using ai written documents rather than making the ai shit it out in 1 continuous stream.

    If you could come up with a way to make an ai produce a document using only complete sentences from other ai generated documents, maybe you could achieve a higher level of automation and still yield similar quality. Because otherwise it’s just as difficult as writing a book yourself.

    As for software, use llamacpp. It’s a cpu-only ai thingy that can utilize multiple cores. You probably aren’t getting an nvidia gpu running on any arm board unless you have a really long white neck beard and a degree in computer engineering. Download gguf compatible models for llamacpp on hugging face.

  • Mike Johnson’s political stances:

    A nationwide abortion ban.

    A nationwide ban on gay marriage.

    Heavy restrictions on medical marijuana prescriptions and a ban on recreational marijuana.

    Ending military aid to Ukraine.

    Gay conversion therapy.

    Federal law against gender affirming care for those under 18.

    Eliminating funding for immigration and refugee assistance.

    A federal version of Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” bill.

    Prayer in public schools.

    Laws making divorce more difficult.

    Johnson does not believe in climate change or that Biden legitimately won the 2020 election. He is a young earth creationist believing the Earth was created between 6-10k years ago. He basically checks every box of a christofascist.

    This guy deserves a lot more hate than he is currently getting. Yes, Trump is evil but that doesn’t mean Mike Johnson gets a free pass. When the Trump bubble bursts, he will become the new furher so get ready.