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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023

  • Mercy from Overwatch is a perfect example of why pure healers don’t work too well in shooters. She is consistently throughout the games lifespan either been too overtuned or too undertuned. It is very difficult to find that balanced spot for pure healers.

    They either end up too powerful and require constant tagging by the opponents team which is frustrating both for the healer player and the opponent team. Or they become almost mandatory for a team too win even in a casual setting, which is incredibly unfun for both teams.

    In the case of being undertuned though, if they’re not powerful enough then no one picks them as it is just not as fun or engaging to play as a pure healer.

    Or finally in the case of medic from tf2. They become a fairly predictable 1 trick pony, low reward class.

    Overall pure healers in shooters just really don’t work well for the medium/genre. I love being a support player myself in games. But I loathe seeing pure healers in shooters. It’s nearly always just a source of frustration rather than fun

  • I recently got hit with the seasonal flu like a month ago that was going around and stubbornly didn’t go to a doctor. Ended up with a fever of ~105 on average and peaked at like 106 while still having chills as well.

    There was a period of 3 days where it was the worst and I have no idea what happened during that time except scant bits of random memories of drinking water and passing out on the couch covered in blankets. The fever dreams you mentioned is definitely on point to what I experienced as well. Was never sure if I was really awake or dreaming with my eyes closed. Which like… I’m not sure how to phrase that in a way that makes sense or differentiate from regular dreaming cause reading it right now just sounds dumb

    Time made no sense during that whole period and still doesn’t. It’s like my body, even two weeks later, still hasn’t registered that I existed for those days. Very surreal in a bad way, do not recommend

  • Honestly Buchanan wasn’t a great president, but I don’t think it really would have mattered what actions Buchanan could have taken.

    By the time he got into office civil war had all but been guaranteed as decades of kicking the can on the issue of slavery, combined with increasing resentment in the divide of the north and south culturally. Had created a powder keg that arguably was lit back during the start of bleeding Kansas years before he even became president.

    And with how stubborn the south was on not letting go of slavery, well there really was no diplomatic solution by then. Hence kicking of the can all those years prior. Maybe he could have enacted decisions that delayed the war, but it would have only been a delay.

    The only way civil war could have ever been prevented is if the founding fathers had told southerns to pound sand and outlaw slavery back during the signing of the constitution. That or maybe if the cotton gin had been invented a decade later

  • Grow up and live your life free of internet nonsense like I am.

    Bruh I keep seeing your name pop up multiple times in this thread and you’re always complaining about getting downvoted as if it matters or something.

    You sound insufferable to be around and your comments read like someone who is compulsively online and just figured out how to base their personality around an edgelord DnD character.

    Seriously in one comment someone asked why you’re even here and you responded with “let it burn” or “watch it burn” or some variation of that. Straight up same energy as saying I brood in a dark corner of the tavern lol. Get that 2010 edgelord cringe out of here man. Take your ass to a gym and get out of that nihilistic funk

    The world may have a gun pointed at its head but that don’t mean you need to give it the ammo

  • Yeah then they switch to eating the douche, then switch back to the turd. It’s just a constant flip flop between the worst choices cause the electoral college and fptp voting we use are a cluster fuck that leads to terrible results and nobody except the wealthy getting what they want. Because people can’t be bothered with understanding cause and effect of actions and policies because the people on the tv told them what to think already.

    And then Republicans cut taxes to rich again.

    And then democrats don’t do or can’t do anything again

    And the Republicans raise taxes for everyone else

    And then democrats still do nothing except maybe hint at giving us free health care

    And the Republicans repeal climate change bills

    And the democrats still do nothing but act like maybe they might legalize weed even though they wont

    And then a school gets shot up

    And then no one cares

    And then Republicans are elected

    And then democrats are elected

    And on and on the world turns and we confirm time is just a flat circle where we do the same thing over and over again until we all die or start a revolution and then watch the same cycle repeat just with new names.

    Everyone constantly bickering over stupid shit not realizing the real issues are caused by the people high up in the ivory towers holding all the wealth and resources

  • You’re probably right and it’s worth it for them to do so. But at the same time I’ve also come to realize that companies are fucking stupid.

    On multiple occasions at multiple jobs I’ve worked. I’ve watched managers implement awful policies and procedures that percentage wise increased revenue in one sector but decreased it in another by a smaller percentage. However the sector that was decreased was orders of magnitude larger than the sector that got a percebtage increase. So in reality when it came to the actual Dollar amount we actually lost a fuckton of revenue for multiple years until someone spoke up about it.

    Idk if that’s the case or not with this stuff. I’m just tired of feeling like every annoyance and detail in life is just another stupidly planned out attempt by a corp to try and manipulate another dime out of me

  • Notorious_handholder@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    I really want to find out who these psychologists are studying to come up with these findings. Anytime the layout changes or items are placed in obtuse places that make no sense I just get pissed off. I start brisk walking and scanning the aisles faster than normal and ignoring stuff even more. A lot of times I just say screw it and leave without buying anything out of spite. Then go buy the item elsewhere. A month or so later after they move all the stuff around again, I’ll randomly find the item in the dumbest place ever, but no longer need it now.

    Like I don’t want to be shopping, I hate navigating around idiots that block entire aisles for no reason. It’s not a leasurely or fun experience. I understand why they want me to stay longer, but they don’t seem to understand that no matter how many times I look at the same stupid products my wallet and the lack of fucks I give about their stupid products far outweighs the amount of time I stare at it.

    So tired of of having my time wasted by marketing analytics that report a 1% increases if such and such stuff is done. Makes me feel like I’m trapped in an MMO with only hardcore players who optimize their builds for the smallest negligible increases. It’s exhausting

  • I’ve always countered that with the following :

    Yes, Nazi’s, the very trustworthy group that would not lie about calling themselves socialists for propoganda and popularity reasons (post ww1 German public had popular sentiment with socialist ideas). The same ones that went out of their way to then kill Jews, communists, socialists, and other individuals that believed in socialistic ideals.

    I’m also sure that the democratic peoples republic of Korea has very fair and free democratic elections!

    If they continue arguing about it after that then I know they’re a lost cause