• 2 Posts
Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月10日


  • I was a funeral director in Ontario, Canada. The law here is that the contract you sign with the crematorium will have a cremation number which will be stamped into a metal disk and that disk will be placed with the remains. After cremation, the disk will be in the cremated remains. People who receive the cremated remains can check that the number on the disk matches the number on the contract they signed.

    This system stops honest mistakes but nothing stops people from intentionally swapping disks. Say a funeral home worker is filling urns with a batch of cremated remains they recieved from the crematorium. They accidentally put remains A into the urn for family B and remains B into the urn for family A. The worker should swap the remains…but swaping the disks is easier. Most people I’ve worked with would do the right thing but the system still relies on people being honest.

  • I knew another priest who loved making “wife bad” boomer jokes at funerals whenever a surviving spouse died. Lots of “Her husband has been enjoying paradise in heaven…and now his wife is there…” and “st. Peter gives a test to enter heaven, you need to spell ‘love’. St. Peter wants a break and gives this task to a man who sees his wife coming to the pearly gates. He tells his wife that she must spell a word before entering heaven. His wife asks what the word is. The man says ‘onamonapia’”

    Those definitely got some uncomfortable laughs

  • I had to create an account on a government website. The website didn’t list a character limit so I used a password manager to generate a 32 character password. My account was created but I couldn’t log in. I used the “forgot my password” option and I received an email of my password in plain text. I also noticed why I couldn’t log in. The password was truncated to just 20 characters. Brilliant website! Tax dollars at work!