Hexboare [they/them]

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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2024


  • Depends on the job. I had a staff member who refused to leave until she was 75 because she valued the work and it was a big part of her identity.

    I would like to see more mechanisms for low intensity work a couple days a week for older workers - expertise from 40 years of experience is invaluable. Increasing CPC membership among women and standardisation the retirement age between men and women could also be useful goals.

    Medical general practice and TCM training for older women would also assist in unfucking the free market healthcare reforms and is the sort of work that would be ideal, not physically demanding and not necessary to be undertaken full time.

    Whether the best way to reform this is about slowly dismantling the Hukou system and replacing it with centralised standardisation or providing more autonomy to local government, I’m not sure.

  • According to Seymour Hersh the fake vaccination work wasn’t even to find Bin Laden, but to cover the actual CIA asset

    Hersh writes that while Afridi was indeed a CIA asset, collecting information on militants, the fake vaccination campaign was invented as a cover story for a Pakistani military doctor who had been treating bin Laden for years, and who actually obtained DNA for the Americans.

    (Later got locked up by Pakistan, never trust the Americans lesson #286)

  • but strokes now days can be recovered from almost 100%

    Aphasia management and recovery has come a considerable way in the last decade and a half, but people who have strokes young do face a range of issues:

    • higher risk of diabetes
    • ~20 percent chance of death in the next 20 years (excluding deaths in the first 30 days), usually from further strokes
    • ~20 percent chance of anxiety
    • ~25-50 percent chance of depression
    • ~50 percent chance of long term cognitive impairment in at least one domain of cognitive functioning
    • up to ~50 percent experiencing further pain (depending on the measure used to define recurrent pain)

    However for young people with strokes the functional outcomes (i.e. ability to live independently) are pretty good, only ~5-20 percent reporting poor outcomes and most people being able to return to work

    The current and last US presidents are in severe cognitive decline and they’re doing basically fine promoting the US empire

  • South America and Australia/NZ

    Regions in green mean food consumption can support the current physical activity in that country; regions in yellow are calorie intake that would cause people to lose weight, and only sedentary physical activity would be supported; and regions in red indicate that daily calorie intake would be less than needed to maintain a basal metabolic rate (also called resting energy expenditure) and thus would lead to death after an individual exhausted their body energy reserves in stored fat and expendable muscle.

    Tg refers to the teragrams of soot injected into the atmosphere modelled