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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: October 6th, 2023


  • I wasn’t reducing anyone and I don’t think the person you were responding to was either. Some people have a harder time focusing on many things at once than others. In the same way that many many people have no internal voice in their head with which they think, people’s brains work differently. It’s just a fact. Some are more efficient at parsing large quantities of varied data than others. That is also a fact. I’m not trying to devalue those who cannot do that, but it would be immature and irresponsible to not consider that when looking for the causes of miscommunication or misunderstandings about how society actually functions just because you think it might hurt someone’s feelings if they were told that about themselves.

    To be quite honest, prioritizing climate change is the responsible and rational thing to do because if we fuck that up, literally nothing else we have done will have any meaning, whatsoever.

  • So if someone threatens to burn down an orphanage while outside the orphanage screaming with cans of gasoline, should they be charged? Should they be put into jail? Because that’s the same free speech and free thought your advocating for and claiming the left is wrong for going in and beating the shit out of the dude. You’re delusional and possibly simply afraid of violence.

    Sometimes, the appropriate response to a threat is to REMOVE the threat with copious violence. As in Enders Game, “I didn’t want to just win this fight, I wanted to win all the future fights too.” Paraphrasing a bit there but you want to tolerate hatred and evil, to let it fester. The only thing fascists understand is direct force, so we will show it to them.